Political Moderate Joe Lieberman


Long Time Member
Lieberman Bashes Paranoid Democrats

Friday, November 9, 2007 9:22 AM

By: Newsmax Staff Article Font Size

Sen. Joe Lieberman lashed out at what he called the Democrats? ?politically paranoid, hyper-partisan? liberal base, which he charges is more interested in opposing Republicans that promoting a strong foreign policy.

?For many Democrats, the guiding conviction in foreign policy isn't pacifism or isolationism, it is distrust and disdain of Republicans in general,? Lieberman said Thursday at a forum co-hosted by the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and the Financial Times.

?In this regard, the Democratic foreign policy worldview has become defined by the same reflexive, blind opposition to the president that defined Republicans in the 1990s, even when it means repudiating the very principles and policies that Democrats as a party have stood for, at our best and strongest?

?The Democratic Party I grew up in was unafraid to make moral judgments about the world beyond our borders.?

Lieberman ? who lost the Democratic primary last year but won re-election as an independent ? castigated Democrats for adopting a partisan stance against the President's war on terror and Iraq policy.

?I felt strongly that Democrats should embrace the basic framework that the president articulated for the war on terror as our own ? because it was our own ? But that was not the choice most Democrats made. Instead, they flip-flopped.

?Even as evidence has mounted that General Petraeus? new counterinsurgency strategy is succeeding, Democrats have remained emotionally invested in a narrative of defeat and retreat in Iraq, reluctant to acknowledge the progress we are now achieving, or even that that progress has enabled us to begin drawing down our troops there.?

Lieberman co-sponsored a resolution calling on the Bush administration to designate Iran?s Republican Guards Corps as a terrorist organization. Hillary Clinton voted in favor of the resolution, while her chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama, did not vote and has charged that the resolution authorizes the use of force against Iran.

?There is something profoundly wrong ? something that should trouble all of us ? when we have elected Democratic officials who seem more worried about how the Bush administration might respond to Iran?s murder of our troops, than about the fact that Iran is murdering our troops,? Lieberman said in remarks reported by Fox News.

In a thinly veiled swipe at Obama and other Democrats who opposed the resolution, Lieberman added: ?There is likewise something profoundly wrong when we see candidates who are willing to pander to this politically paranoid, hyper-partisan sentiment in the Democratic base, even if it sends a message of weakness and division to the Iranian regime.?
Outstanding Ransom. As a Rep. i allways liked Joe. The Dem's (move on) made a huge mistake last year by not standing behind Joe.
Joe is proof that Democrats CAN be strong on terror, it is just that the current HEADS of this party are so blinded by hate for Bush that they refuse to root for America! How pathetic!

Joe is "Old School" Dem. Gotta love him!!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
>Joe is proof that Democrats CAN
>be strong on terror, it
>is just that the current
>HEADS of this party are
>so blinded by hate for
>Bush that they refuse to
>root for America! How pathetic!

I can think of one more person blinded by hate for Bush.

>Joe is "Old School" Dem. Gotta
>love him!!!!
>?Justice consists not in being neutral
>between right and wrong, but
>in finding out the right
>and upholding it, wherever found,
>against the wrong.?
>---Theodore Roosevelt,


Joe's alot like my father in as much their both conservative Democrats, especially my old man. Really hates what the Dems have become.

My, such excitment, I hope none of you wet your pants. sorry to spoil your fun but we're not going to attack Iran. what did Lieberman do to help stop terror by the way? if you mean support Bush in Iraq you got some 'splaining to do.

Blinded by hate for Bush ? no, just one of the 70% who disapprove. maybe you're blinded by love?
> My, such excitment, I hope
>none of you wet your
>pants. sorry to spoil your
>fun but we're not going
>to attack Iran. what did
>Lieberman do to help stop
>terror by the way? if
>you mean support Bush in
>Iraq you got some 'splaining
>to do.
> Blinded by hate for Bush
>? no, just one of
>the 70% who disapprove. maybe
>you're blinded by love?

Itsfunny how 30% approve of bush yet 99% of MM'ers do. Are you so far to the left you didnt like Joe?
> My, such excitment, I hope
>none of you wet your
>pants. sorry to spoil your
>fun but we're not going
>to attack Iran. what did
>Lieberman do to help stop
>terror by the way? if
>you mean support Bush in
>Iraq you got some 'splaining
>to do.
> Blinded by hate for Bush
>? no, just one of
>the 70% who disapprove. maybe
>you're blinded by love?


Even you moderate don't stand together. By the way CNN had 34% on 11/05.

>> My, such excitment, I hope
>>none of you wet your
>>pants. sorry to spoil your
>>fun but we're not going
>>to attack Iran. what did
>>Lieberman do to help stop
>>terror by the way? if
>>you mean support Bush in
>>Iraq you got some 'splaining
>>to do.
>> Blinded by hate for Bush
>>? no, just one of
>>the 70% who disapprove. maybe
>>you're blinded by love?
>Itsfunny how 30% approve of bush
>yet 99% of MM'ers do.
>Are you so far to
>the left you didnt like

It's Hillary he has an eye on you know. Time for some photo shop monster.

It is NOT about Bush, that is what the Demos and dude want to make it as. It is about the FACT that we are winning, and instead of acknowleging that, dude and the moronic demos in DC say stuff like; "The reason the death toll has declined is because there are no people left to kill." This was what a demo said just this week about the sharp decline in civilian deaths in Iraq. Why dude, is it so DAMN hard to see ANYTHING positive over there? Are you that set on losing, just to be 'right'? When things go bad over there, the media puts in on the front page and as the lead story. When things go good, like right now, the silence is deafening. To be so set on LOSING that you can NOT admit the surge IS working and progress is taking place is disgusting. I am an American first, a conservative second, and somewhere down the line I am a Republican. Dude and others of his ilk apparently are liberals/democrats first, and somewhere down the line they are Americans. NICE!

Hillary Ally speaks.


Hate! Hate! Hate! They hate Bush so much, That they seem to want the rags to win just so they can say "I told you so". My aproval rating of Bush has gone way down too. They spend like drunkin sailors (I was one so I know) He damn sure doesnt want the border fixed and he wont take the gloves off when it comes to this war.
How is he supposed to "take the gloves off"? He takes heat everytime a civilian is killed over there. Do you really believe Americans have the stomach to "take the gloves off"? The media wouls skewer him, the cries for impeachment would be ratched up, and it would ensure the Clintons the ability to rent out thed Lincoln room in the near future.

Pork Pork Pork One veto of of a spending bill in 7 years ! Hotdamn! Opps the freaking Dems get through anyways. Secure the freaking border. Why do the Rep. think the Illegals are going to vote for them? Thats laughable! So far this year I know atleast 4 people that have had their trucks ripped off. All were recovered after being striped and use for drug running. (Crewcabs)If we dont close the border we will be atacked again, its just a matter of when. Sorry for the rant.Was this post about joe? You know that had to be a slap in the face of the Moveon.Dem.ORGGY croud when he gotz reelected.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]>How is he supposed to "take
>the gloves off"? He takes
>heat everytime a civilian is
>killed over there. Do you
>really believe Americans have the
>stomach to "take the gloves
>off"? The media wouls skewer
>him, the cries for impeachment
>would be ratched up, and
>it would ensure the Clintons
>the ability to rent out
>thed Lincoln room in the
>near future.

Pro your right its too late to take the gloves off now. 4years ago no.
Maybe civilians don't like to be killed? just a thought.

Pro, did you read the report on Al Qaeda in Iraq that came out yesterday? the military says they're alive an well in Iraq waiting for a chance to make a strike at Americans as the troop numbers draw down. so is that what you call winning? having to watch your back as you back out of the country? things have calmed down some over there no doubt but is it a trend or a time out while they wait for us to exhaust our resorces ( troops ) ? we are going to draw down we have no choice the military has already told us that. if troop numbers decrease and the current trend continues you may be right, I hope you are but past experience in the region would suggest your optimism is premature. one last thing Al Qaeda is thriving in Pakistan and they didn't even exist in Iraq until we created a spot for them, how is Iraq making us safer again? how is wining there going to deal a death blow to terrorist? do tell.
> Maybe civilians don't like to
>be killed? just a thought.
> Pro, did you read the
>report on Al Qaeda in
>Iraq that came out yesterday?
>the military says they're alive
>an well in Iraq waiting
>for a chance to make
>a strike at Americans as
>the troop numbers draw down.
>so is that what you
>call winning? having to watch
>your back as you back
>out of the country? things
>have calmed down some over
>there no doubt but is
>it a trend or a
>time out while they wait
>for us to exhaust our
>resorces ( troops ) ?
> we are going to
>draw down we have no
>choice the military has already
>told us that. if troop
>numbers decrease and the current
>trend continues you may be
>right, I hope you are
>but past experience in the
>region would suggest your optimism
>is premature. one last thing
>Al Qaeda is thriving in
>Pakistan and they didn't even
>exist in Iraq until we
>created a spot for them,
>how is Iraq making us
>safer again? how is wining
>there going to deal a
>death blow to terrorist? do


Define Al Qaeda please. Please list their membership roles to me. What does it take for a raghead to be a Al Qaeda follower? Do they wear dog tags, have a social security number? Wear uniforms? What are Ansar al-Islam fighters? Your making me laugh.

> Maybe civilians don't like to
>be killed? just a thought.
> Pro, did you read the
>report on Al Qaeda in
>Iraq that came out yesterday?
>the military says they're alive
>an well in Iraq waiting
>for a chance to make
>a strike at Americans as
>the troop numbers draw down.
>so is that what you
>call winning? having to watch
>your back as you back
>out of the country? things
>have calmed down some over
>there no doubt but is
>it a trend or a
>time out while they wait
>for us to exhaust our
>resorces ( troops ) ?
> we are going to
>draw down we have no
>choice the military has already
>told us that. if troop
>numbers decrease and the current
>trend continues you may be
>right, I hope you are
>but past experience in the
>region would suggest your optimism
>is premature. one last thing
>Al Qaeda is thriving in
>Pakistan and they didn't even
>exist in Iraq until we
>created a spot for them,
>how is Iraq making us
>safer again? how is wining
>there going to deal a
>death blow to terrorist? do

"AL Qaeda In Iraq" You said it. Ya lets pull out and let it grow and fester. In my opinion all the BS talk by the Dem's and the mainstreem media have helped them and hurt us. a 6pac says you were for this war at the start.
Maybe civilians don't like to
>be killed? just a thought.
Gd whos killin them? Dont tell me our Army. YOu and JOhn Mertha can kiss my redneck A#@. Glad theres no thread from you on my Band of Brothers post
Jesus, Mosnar, talk about stirring the pot!

I think the reason 65% of the people in this country are fed up, is not out of hatred for the Bush administration but the lack of leadership in this country. I don't hate Bush, I think he is just plain stupid. I think he had 6 years to accomplish something and blew it. I think the Democratic congress that took over is just as ineffectual as the prior congress. This country is starved for leadership.

I'm disgusted with where this country has ended up in the last 7 years. Health care is outta control, illegal immigration is outta control, we are fighting a war that can't be won, the economy is scary close to disaster (if you don't believe that ask the 2 million home owners that could default this year), we have almost zero foreign policy, the federal government has screwed up almost every disaster relief effort in the last 7 years.

This country needs another FDR, someone with balls & brains enough to do what has to be done!

Fire away ? ditto heads!


Your just mad because I made fun of your farm raised whitetail buck. LOL.
I actually agree with most of what you said. It's not really our fault people borrowed at subprime rates only to get the goose now. You know my thoughts on personal responsibility and such. No more comments on health care as I come off as a jerk. This congress, last congress and the next congress will all be bad unless I'm sadly mistaken. From the field of pretenders in the 08 race expect to again be disappointed.
If you need more comentary just let me know.

Your Friend

LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]I'm disgusted with where this country has ended up in the last 7 years. Health care is outta control, illegal immigration is outta control, we are fighting a war that can't be won, the economy is scary close to disaster (if you don't believe that ask the 2 million home owners that could default this year), we have almost zero foreign policy, the federal government has screwed up almost every disaster relief effort in the last 7 years. Rus thats as much the banks falt. People takin out Intrest only loans? I know im just a dumb as$ redneck but im not that much of a DA
Rus for president.

6 years of complete republican control yet all our problems are the libs fault. some might say, what a bunch of crap.

After Bush helps Hillary get elected if you want to gripe about the libs screwing things up at least your whining will be founded. see there's always a silver lining.

Some of you mistake hatred for the lack of kool aid ingestion. you're like a bunch of drunks ragging on the only sober guy for being a party pooper.

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