Political Correctness.......


The following is the 2007 winning entry from an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.
This year's term: Political Correctness.

"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
And when those illogical, liberals picked up that turd by the clean end, they found themselfs holding a pile of human manure that stank to high heaven.

and they liked it!!!

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
And the Radical Right denied any involvement in the placing of the turd. Pointing out the fact ? everyone knows our feces doesn't stink ?

You guys are great I really needed a laugh. Ransom, Which horror movie was it where the devil was trying to get the little girl to come to the light in her closet?
You need a laught, I will give you a laught. As the radical right pointed out, the feces was not left by them. Further investigation revealed that it was a little dirty liberal hippy that crapped on the floor and even wiped his butt with his bare hands, while explaining to the crowd, I am a liberal and my $hit does not stink while he held out his hand for his fellow liberals to sniff.

Witch they readly did.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Kilo, thanks for the long version. For the rest of us who relate more to hunting that PC BS, you just need to remember that the term political correctness is one of the ultimate oxymorons of our time.

If that's a little deep, just remember that Political Correctness....ISN'T!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-08 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]And as a certain Conservative Idaho Senator once said?. ?I WAS NOT TOE TAPPING, I WAS JUST TRYING TO KICK THAT LITTLE LIBERAL TURD UNDER THE STALL!!!!?

Ransom ? I stepped into the light once & saw the face of G.W. Bush ? screw it ? I'm going to hit the Bong again. LOL


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