Police shoot chimp during closed season


Long Time Member
Huge chimp shot dead after mauling woman in Conn.
February 17, 2009 08:55 EST

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- A 200-pound domesticated chimpanzee that badly mauled a woman in Connecticut had been given the the anti-anxiety drug Xanax because it had been agitated.

The chimp, which once starred in TV commercials for Old Navy and Coca-Cola, was shot dead by police after the violent rampage.

Sandra Herold, who owned the 15-year-old chimp named Travis, wrestled with the animal and stabbed it after it inexplicably attacked her friend Charla Nash.

Nash had gone to Herold's home Monday to help her coax the chimp back into the house. Nash is hospitalized in critical condition.

Authorities say there was no known provocation.

Stamford, Connecticut police Capt. Richard Conklin says Herold gave Travis the Xanax in some tea. Conklin also suggested the animal may have attacked Nash because she was wearing her hair differently and wasn't recognized.
....."Nash is hospitalized in critical condition"....A 200 lb. Chimp.

HMMMM.....someone thinks a 1000 lb. Grizzly is going down with a knife?

Most guys I know, don't want to mess with a 15 lb., "3 balled housecat".
Yeah I heard the Chimp bit of her hands and was eating them.

Pretty amazing how much power they pack.
>Yeah I heard the Chimp bit
>of her hands and was
>eating them.
>Pretty amazing how much power they

That's just dumb..............
I am sure the chimp was tired of being a sex slave! A domesticated chimp living in the house. UMMM NOOO! I am impressed with what kind of hit it can take though. A stab wound and 45, now thats pretty tough. Whenever I see a Nat. Geo show with lots of monkees such as India, I picture myself there with a 22 or ar-15. Now that would be fun!
Chimps are straight up dangerous... They have the ability to reason and that alone makes them dangerous not to mention the strength they have. Do them wrong and they will eventually seek revenge. Don't know why anyone would have one around their house.

I was told but not sure it's true that a baby chimp can take a mans neck tie and tear it in half... If you think your fairly strong get a old neck tie and wrap a end around each of your hands and try to rip it in half... They don't rip easy.
I've heard they have tested Chimps with some sort of pull gauge, supposedly they can jerk with up to 1200 pounds of force when they are angry.
...that opposable 5th digit makes them deadly....

"Beware of Dog".....lmao


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I don't believe they are considered "game animals", so there is no closed season..........yet.

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