Police: Cougar shot, killed on Chicago?s



Are there to many cats, what excuse will they give us this time are we still encroaching on their territory in Chicago?

Police: Cougar shot, killed on Chicago?s North Side

Published Tuesday, April 15, 2008
CHICAGO ? Chicago police said an officer shot and killed a 150-pound cougar Monday on the city?s North Side.
Police said several residents reporting seeing the cat, which was more than 5-foot long, earlier Monday. It was shot dead in an alley.
One witness says the cougar jumped over a 6-foot wrought-iron fence.
Authorities say the animal?s body will be checked for any markings, chips or tags that would show if it is owned by anyone.
Authorities in suburban Wilmette said they received several calls on Sunday reporting alleged cougar sightings.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-08 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]I love how the one guy said he knew what it was because he had seen one once on the Discovery Channel! Classic! Good thing he has that channel!

I heard on the radio that this cat may have wandered down from the Black Hills area in South Dakota and is probably the same one that people in Wisconsin have been filing reports about. The report said that genetic testing closely resembled DNA from Black Hills cats.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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