Polar bear attack....GRAPHIC


Very Active Member
This poor guy almost looses his leg!!

All I see is a big red X.

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-07 AT 11:51AM (MST)[p]Looks alot more like a Wolf Pack attack to me.


Proof that it's not a Polar Bear attack.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-07 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]Dang it! I was expecting blood and guts!!!
Freak, we're all going to die!!! DOOM & GLOOM!!! This global warming thing has got out of hand! I wish Gore would hurry up and save us all from ourselves!!! These pics are proof that global warming is real!
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-07 AT 01:05PM (MST)[p]99.999% of all Polar Bears don't crap in the woods.

How to survive a Polar Bear attack.
The key is to play dead. 1. Drop down to the ground and lay out on your stomach with your face in the dirt. 2. Place your hands over the back of your neck.
This way your face is protected as well as your neck because the bear is going to come up and scratch you a few times but will lose interest when it thinks you are dead. I've never really thought of what to do in these types of situations other than run, because you wouldn't want to just sit there and get hurt but I guess it's better to get roughed up some rather than die.
BUT if this doesn't work show him your Greenpeace Membership Card. Sure to do the trick.
I see the pics. That guy is just training for a turtle hunt.

Polarbears don't dump in the woods now, but they will when all the ice has melted. I bet they will even like it!

>56% of the time that doesn't
>work though.......

Wrong! Is proven that 60% of the time, it works every time!!!!
I can see it . I'm thinking thats ALL the bite the UNR Wolfy pac s got , then the Lobos are goona hammer thier arsses...New Mexico Bowl Dec 22, THE REAL WOLF PACK IS GONNA HAMMER UNR....a wager in the works , what say you NV????? Video from the MM online store to winner???? WOOF WOOF!
And I went to school at UNLV! Go Rebels!...But am from NM and have alot of family to go there as well my wife Graduated from there.....
But hey , dang it , don't go get all unapprecitive, UNR should be happy we invited them, no one else was looking for gutterballs to finally get thier very first ever bowl win lol....
I offer you a wager , UNM over the wolfy pack of UNR. Winner gets a video from MM online store. I don't have Pauls third Video yet??? Ya taking????
MAN! it is funny but i got that in an e-mail like 2 weeks ago! i was also going to post it, looks like you beat me to it!

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.

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