

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-08 AT 12:56PM (MST)[p]Last night was our last game until next winter. A group of us have been playing for about 10 years, every other Sat., the week before Thanksgiving thru about now. We play 1 joker good for, Aces, straits, and flushes, no wild card games...hardly, dealer choise, $40. buy in, $1. limit until the last draw card which can be $2. We also play a 7-27 game where the guy closest to 7 or 27 splits the pot. We usually have 7 sometimes 8 players sit any given sitting, there's plenty who would like to play if one or more of us can't make it.

The action and stakes are about right for our group. You could win or lose over $100. but that is the exception. Knowing each others play and with so many high-low, split pots, a $60. nite, like i took last night, one way or the other falls within the norm.

This is really Fun, cheap, winter time entertainment, enjoyed at home by a bunch of good friends. How many of you guys play?

Deal em!
i had a poker leauge every other week 27 people 30 dollars a night paid top five every night and at the end of 17 weeks the top nine got paid with the top two getting seats into the world series of poker turned out good.
Deal me in Joey. I play every day at lunch time at work. Dime/quarter with a 3 raise max. It's a very good way to get your mind off of work for awhile. Our local Indian casino has no limit Texas holdem' games every Wed. night and Sat. afternoon. A $30-40 buy in. I'm going to try that some day.

slayer40, That sounds like a cool league... with a super prize at the end if you're in the top two. Did you ever get to go to the WSOP?

I find our little games keep down the urge to go play at a bigger venue, therefore saving money. Besides being an overall slight winner through the years in our home games, i'm not very good, but do like to play. I'm pretty sure the huge entry fee's required for me to attempt play at the WSOP, would be indeed, DEAD MONEY. If i could win my entry thru a home game though, THAT WOULD BE AWSOME! I mean, who wouldn't want to try it... just once?

OK, who didn't antie up? Deal em!
Eel, why, pick yourself a seat bud. You're welcome at our table anytime.

Four years ago i stopped in at that indian casino in Mad River, ate at their buffet and signed up for that tourny you're talking about. I thought it a bargain chance to win the cost of my vacation being over that way deer hunting and catching a few King salmon. Had to wait awhile but man was the action fast.

Hold-em, i raised with AK suited on the button. A guy across from me raised all-in and i called. He turned up a pair of 7's and i turned up my AK for the flop which was QA7. I paired my aces but he tripped with his sevens, no help came so that put me out of the tourny...IN THE VERY FIRST HAND!!

So much for winning gas money! lol

Joey, the Blue Lake Casino. There is a new one at Fernbridge, the Bear River Casino too.

That's what would happen to me! LOL! No shame in playing a hand like that though. I would have made that call too. That's why they call it gambeling, I guess.

It amazes me to watch the pros on TV. They can read a stranger like a cheap novel.

Eel, i'm gonna speak for myself here but these have been truths found by me.

1] As someone who doesn't play often, you'll find that most of the players at casino's to be better poker players than self.

2] generally speaking, the only way you're going to win at a casino game is to have extreemly lucky cards.

3] As long as you don't get involved with the "other games offered," small buy-in no-limit tourny's can be an excellent entertainment value, offer high return potential, and are lots of fun.

4] my chances of placing are poor so i only play a couple tournys a year, usually when on vacation.

5] home games are much easier to consistantly beat!

sageadvice my best finish was this last time i finished 3.i am going to vegas with the guy who finished 2.i also forgot to add that all 27 players get 1 percent of whatever they win in vegas.
There is lots of sage advice in that list! That's kind of what keeps me from getting involved in tournament play. There at least would be a learning curve, and I would expect to lose a bunch before I really caught on. If ever.

Hey, what do you think about playing for play money on one of the free sites ? I've used Full Tilt and it's a good way to burn time between Bess's posts...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-08 AT 08:10AM (MST)[p]EdleBrock, Have you liked playing? That's what's important there i think bud. Racked up millions yet? Playing for free, if at all, is the way to go.

To me, Poker is where there are real people sitting around a real table, dealing real cards, and doing their best or worse to tell me how good their hand is.

That, and i don't trust "them" to run a fair game. That card dealing program of theirs, the fact that they base from out of country, and even though i won big with their "free money", things would probably change when and if i played with my real getus. Not for me i believe, i quit going to their site a couple yrs ago and haven't looked back!

rack em! who's deal is it anyway, pass those cashews would ya?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-08 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]We get together about once a month with family and friends for some Texas hold em. Usually 12-16 of us.
$10 buy in with the pot going to last two standing(or sitting).

When my wifes cousin comes for a visit, usually once a year, its dealers choice poker every night he is here. Nothing big, nickel antes, quarter raises, win or lose $10 a night.

BTW, I hate 7-27
We play every wed. and have for over 5 years.
Dealer's choice, no wild cards, start at 6 end at 10. FIRM!
We plae 50 cent ante and have alot of split-pot games (Omaha high low, stud 8 etc.).
On a very good night you might win $50.
Got to were I just weigh my quarter bag to see how its going.
1lb is about $20.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Thursday was the last night of the season. We play holdem 125.00 buy in. This is a basement game 5. to dealers 20. to year end game you win progressive points for, & 100. to the nightly pay out. We have 20-30 each night all winter. Year end payed 3500. second 2500. & down the line. played the year end tourn for about 2 hours & left to go watch my boy's double header & came back to no chips had been blinded out. Our cash game each night after the tourn is out of control. No limit 300. min buy 1 table only always a list to get in. I have seen 4000. pots & over 20,000. on the table.
I have played on won money only for 4 years & can play the big game now without getting hurt. being in a $ 3000.00 pot is not the same as stalking a monster but it sure helps pass the time until season.
Alubba, Sounds exactly how i learned many years ago. It's fun to play with family and low stakes. That 7-27 is one nasty awful game. We sometimes play it with two cards down and one up, that'll get your goat too! Then there's 4-14, only red cards count, declare at the end. s'all fun!

264, Sound like your game is similar to ours except we only play for half the year, Sat's, so we can play later, 7-midnite firm. That last bet that can be $2.00, that was a good move for our game. Sometimes with raises it can be $6. to call, makes for bigger and better pots.

Blind_squirrel, You guy's got it together now, that's doing it! All our guys could afford your game easy enough but i don't think they'd go for it. That after tourny cash game sounds just outa hand!...and outa my league.
I can understand your comparison between a good hand in a huge pot and sneaking on a monster though. Me liking it or not, some things just change a person. The possibility of winning a $3000. pot would drive me bonkers. lol

Thanks for stopping in guys, i'm due to win one here, lets play... Joey wins! That sounds good.
I don't particularly care for 7-27 either! Normally I got to go with the over and I always get face cards (only worth a 1/2)!!! In our dealer choice games, we'll play a game called Guts. You get 2 cards and whoever stays in and wins gets the pot. If you stay in and lose, you match the pot. Here's the kicker. If you win that particular hand, you don't just drag the have to beat the "ghost hand" This is just an additional hand that has been dealt for this reason. Usually the "ghost" will have 3 cards instead of 2. Makes the game a littl more exciting. Also makes players stay in with better hands...cuz you always got to beat the ghost!

A different group of guys I get together with play a $20 buy in Hold Em Tourney. Usually we'll have 2 or 3 tables (12-24 players) and 3rd wins their buy in back, 2nd takes 30% and the winner takes 70%. Theres always another table set up for a cash game when players bust out. I love playin poker. It tests your it's a good reason to drink with some buddies!

Sage, we do the $3.00 max last bet. Your right, makes for a better game.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I play in a holdem group of anywhere from 6-10 guys, once a month. 20 dollar buy in, with the first 3 guys getting a 10 dollar re-buy option. We buy pizza from the pot. 2nd place gets his money back, and the winner takes the rest. Its a fun way to play, and regardless of the outcome, you at least get pizza. For those that go out early, we have had an xbox or something going. Makes for a fun night.
We average about 10 players every other Saturday at my friends house. $20 buy in usually holdem but we have been playing horse lately to break it up, Cold beer, good pals, good times. We are heading down to Mesquite this weekend to play in the Oasis open poker tourney. Great tourney to play in if any of you are interested.............

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