points/draw question


Active Member
as a non-res. the way im reading it you have to draw the tag first(deer or deer/elk combo) then you can put in for a controlled hunt....so how can you build pref. points toward a controlled hunt when you have to draw a license first, because that can be sporatic on being able to draw.
i feel like im missing some fine print or obviously not reading it properly..

can someone clarify?????
You're reading it spot-on

The system doesn't make much sense, but that is how it works.

The good news for you is, MT doesn't draw solely on who has the most points, so people draw tough tags with 0 points on a regular basis. That is about all I can say.
Save your $10 or $20 whatever it costs now for a point and just apply for the game tag/s that you want.

the years you don't draw a deer/elk tag they will send you a paper and you can buy a point for the deer or elk special permits.

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Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

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