Point System may be coming soon!


Active Member
"Fish and game to consider bonus point system"

"The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, during a meeting Thursday, May 20, gave the go-ahead to the Fish and Game Department to develop a controlled hunt bonus point system and a number of other rule changes.
A bonus point system would give an advantage to hunters, unsuccessful in a controlled hunt drawing, in subsequent future drawings. Fish and Game officials plan to present a proposal for public comment and then bring a final proposal back to the commission later this year."

For all the Naysayers and Anti-point folks you need to realize and accept it is finally going to happen. Now is the time to embrace it and make your voice heard on what you would like to see accomplished with the new point system.
I for one am expecting that we will still have OTC tags, but with better management (limiting the #'s) as the point system will bring in more non-res $$ and IDFG will not need to sell so many tags. So that IDFG can finally get back to doing what it is supposed to do, which is doing right for the game herds instead of its bottom line.
As long as they are honest about it and let everyone know what it is, a way to get more nonresident to buy licenses and applications without giving or providing anything for the money..cool! I agree, it is coming.
Yep. its coming. The fiasco last year with the tag prices and lose of revenue will be used as ammo to support a new direction for the commission. They need money. I'm hoping they really reseach the various point systems currently utilized by other states and come up with some good options. I'm sure everyone will be watching this closely.
And of course, it's get as much outside cash as possible while giving up the least in return...:) Rather than resort to adjusting the nonresident price of the licenses/tags to what is fair by the market, try to get more than market value by throwing in some item of nebelous value to entice more sales...
I'm not the first to say this but, you still need the right ammount of game to have people who want to hunt here. If a points system will improve game then maybe I'm for it. Who knows though? We need a better (not saying they are not trying)system to improve quality habitat and improve big game. My two cents.
I think they need to be more cost affective like Utah. Spend the $60 to buy license and apply for the tags, Rather then spend the $150 for a license to apply for the tags. Thats kinda steep. Or even forward the money like Montana ($364) then return the money if your not drawn for your choice. Just my thoughts. It would also be nice if you only lose your points if your drawn for your first choice but not if your drawn for your second choice.
For all the Naysayers and Anti-point folks you need to realize and accept it is finally going to happen.
Looks like counting your chickens before they hatch. Still doesn't work.

All I can say is its about time. After 28 years I may finally get a permit within the next 5 years, if its implemented next year..
Another post in this forum has a press release from the Commission that says points aren't coming.

What's the word?

If that is the case I hope that Fish and Game goes bell up. The last coupe of years still pleanty of non-resident tags left, and so far this year the same thing happing I remember a time when middle fork tags sold out by this time each year. That has not happened for the last three years. Blame in on what ever you want it still comes down to "proper management or the lack of". Have fun with your pathetic state all you Idaho residents.
Little bitter are we elkster123? Just can't stand the fact that every body else is going to have the came chance at a LE tag as you? A points system has nothing to do with the Mgt. of the game. It is the Mgt of the people. You want to complain about the lack of game fine, but don't relate that to a Points System.

Just make sure that you don't come up to Idaho and HUNT, while you are banking points *(and sitting at home) in all the other western states. You want to stay home fine. No sweat off my back. No, not all the NR tags are getting sold, but most of them will. Either to residents buying them up as a second tag or to other non-residents picking them up who don't think Idhao is "Pathetic"....
We all know why the non-resident tags don't sell out. Shame.

As far as the point system is concerned, it may work out well for residents if they put ample restrictions on the number of out of state tags that can be drawn. Look at the difference in points required in Colorado.
A points system has every thing to do with management. I don't care what you say or others. Your chances are better with a point system and why is Idaho the only state that does not have some type of point system, and the only state that does more complaining because of money issues. Simply put, better odds mean more non-resident monies which let's be honest is over 50 percent of all money that the Game Department takes in. Remember what you just said and get back to me around Oct 15 when all the hunts are open in the state and tell me about all the tags that are sold out. And do you think that all the Idahoans are going to buy the elk and deer tags at the no-residents prices. I don't think so because there is not nearly the elk that there was 5, 10 years ago.
What Kind of Points system does New Mexico have? Last time I applied there, the only scam I saw was the number of "landowner" tags avaliable to purchase..

Your odds are improved with a points system! Care to explain how that works? Only one way for an individules odds to increase, and that is for every body elses odds to do down, way down in the system that was proposed.... so I guess it just depends on who the "you" are refering to is.

I never said what % of the F&G money comes from non resident tags sales. If I had to guess, I would say it is at least 50%, likely more. Are any other western sates different? the real problem in Idaho seems to be that the F&G Budget is directly tied to tag and license revenue. Idaho should look to change that first.

Lots of Idahoans buy the left over Non resident tags. If they end up lowerning the price this year to try and sell more, a lot more hunters (both resident and non) will buy them as second tags.

You think that Idaho is the only Sate that is having Money problems right now? You got your head in the sand?

There are still plenty of Elk and Deer running around Idaho. Some areas are hurting for sure, but many more areas are doing good to great.
Fish and game also just approved trapping for some areas for wolves. That will help a bit. I have a feeling that it is more habitat related than predation, and more big fires are about the only thing that will change the habitiat on the scale needed.
elkster, as a native idahoan i would just like to say....F**K YOU, I HOPE YOU NEVER COME TO THIS STATE. its pathetic...just like you said.....so again, STAY THE F**K OUT!!!
>elkster, as a native idahoan i
>would just like to say....F**K
>pathetic...just like you said.....so again,


Idaho has plenty of game.Takes a good smart hunter to be successful here. I know many who are. Non-res who fit that description will do well and are more than welcome by most every Idahoan I know. Bawl babies like elkster who want the rules changed cuz they cant cut it the way it currently stands can suk it............

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
A point system would have been especially bad for nonresident draw odds, and cost a nonresident more money to get worse draw odds. More nonresidents would have felt forced to apply each and every year, so draw odds would have dropped. Plain and simple. Especiallly as a nonresident, I like the freedom of applying the years it feels good, for both time and money, and not being penalized for the years it doesn't.

Hat's off to ID for putting the will of the sportsman above just profit!

You are exactly correct with your analysis, I.M.O. The problem lies in the dollars for the I.D.F.&G. Fewer non-residents= fewer dollars. Resident second tag holders don't buy ALL the tags and they don't spend as much money in the local economies. IF&G will have to raise revenue elsewhere, good luck with increasing non-res. tags and fees, that hasn't worked out so well for the dept. The only hope that I.F.&G. has is to continue the policy of over the counter tag sales. Very few if any states still do this, but without Idaho becoming a dumping ground for hunters of last resort, their tag sales would be dismal. As well as their revenue. So sad, used to hunt Idaho every year from 1977 to 2001, just seems like other state agencies have passed them by.

>the real problem in Idaho
>seems to be that the
>F&G Budget is directly tied
>to tag and license revenue.
>Idaho should look to change
>that first.

Boy ruffled some feathers didn't I. Well deepforks from one SPUD to the other I am also a Idahoan born and raised. In Twin Falls for that matter. I remember hunting elk in 1972 and they were running all over the place every were. And Idaho still sucks when it comes to management of game. I am currently living out of state and for the last 28 years have spent 350 dollars for a elk tag and 150 for liscence each year you do the math. Then tell me who really supports the fish and game. As a resident you pay 25 dollars for a liscence and what ever the resident price for elk is. By the way didn't your mommy ever teach you not to be so fulger.
for A elk tag?....i usually buy AN elk tag.
ive never bought a LISCENCE?....i usually buy a LICENSE.
my mommy was busy teaching me the importance of a good education...not being fulger.....i mean VULGAR. and i am AN idahoan, not a idahoan. you pal, are neither!! like i said before....STAY THE F**K OUT if you dont like how things are done here!!
Well deepforks looks like alot of people are staying out of the State Of Idaho by the looks of the tags that are still left. As I said Idaho is in trouble if they don't change the way they do business.
It would seem your "Mommy" didn't teach you the value of respect or you have just chosen to ignore that subject. Either way it would appear you have some serious anger issues. If another individual has voiced an opinion why would you opt to insult him with profanity and ridicule?
Perhaps it's time for you to go back to school or better yet...grow up!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]I don't know what some folks are putting in for...but I've drawn 9 controlled tags in 16 years of applying. I play the B.S. points game in too many other states, the last thing I want to have happen is to start it here in my home state.

I'd rather have a slim chance every year than no chance for 6-8 years.
hey nicerack, read that assholes last sentence in post #9. i stand behind, and mean, every last word i posted. end of story.
>Well deepforks looks like alot of
>people are staying out of
>the State Of Idaho by
>the looks of the tags
>that are still left. As
>I said Idaho is in
>trouble if they don't change
>the way they do business.

You're breaking my heart, chief.............
We're doomed without your support.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

The idfg is doomed with or without nonresident support. Face it, the nonresident hunters have spoken with the remaining deer tag and elk tags as a huge vote of no confidence in your state. Pretty sad day for the revenue of idfg when hunters would rather stay home then hunt your state. How did Nevada, New Mexico, Az., Colorado, Wyoming, Utah do on their drawings this year? More or less applications this year? Idaho can't give the tags away, just come and buy one over the counter after you scout to see if there is any game or after you have already shot one. Yeah great management.

Your philosophy is not wanted here. Come hunt by all means. Hunt hard and you'll be successful. If you want to ##### cuz you dont like the way things are run, stay out. Simple.

We'll be just fine either way.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

You must work for the f&g, your philosophy is the same as their's. I love the fact that as a nonresident, we don't have to hear the daily moaning by your f&g due to lack of revenue. Charge your residents more, problem solved. Simple. Start a bonus point system and charge huge fees, problem solved. Expand and enhance your hunting resource, oops.
Like I have said in eariler posts, I USED to hunt Idaho every year. Started as a rifle hunter and ended as a muzzleloader hunter. Now, just hunt to see my friends that live in Id. and do my part to help fund your f&g.
Good luck with your hunts this year, sometimes the grass IS GREENER on the other side of the state line.

Nope, don't work for IDFG. Really have not heard much from them at all recently.The only moaning I here is from you and your kind....Really I care less than not at all what your bawling about. I'll assume your another point
chasing "hunter"/"conservationist" who wants to reduce/limit my time in the field ......Well pretty sure you know where you can file all that.

Hey chief, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm on my way out the door with a general tag in pocket. I'll be standing over a dead Bull Elk a few short hours from now. Just like last year. And the year before that, and the year before that, and so on. You could easily duplicate that here in Idaho. But you stay on your green grass, really....just stay there. We'll welcome all the good hard hunting non-res that want to come. Thumb-suckers can stay home and collect "points".

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

Post some pics of your elk if there isn't to much thumb sucking in it for you. People like you are what I hate about resident hunters. Must be many more people like me out there, due to the f&g tag sales. Not crying, just stating a fact. Maybe you can talk the f&g into letting you buy three or four deer and elk tags a year since you are the only person who can be a successful hunter. Idaho Hommer "gsj"

Yup non-res sales are down. And yet, Resident tag sales are up......hmmmm. Wonder why that is?

Don't believe every negative comment you read on here about Idaho. Come hunt. Find out for yourself. Thats what I do and regardless of what you think or have heard, Idaho has some great hunting opportunities available to anyone who wants to try. Some quality critters too.........But be sure to focus on all the negatives, thats a great mindset to come into huning season with.

Good luck to you wherever you hunt this season. Unlike you I have no hate toward you.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

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