

Long Time Member
Well, the poachers are at it again. 3 elk were shot (1 bull, 1 cow, and 1 calf) near Little Mtn (south of Rock Springs)and left to rot. The calf had to be euthanized because it was still alive when wardens arrived at the scene. This incident happened during elk season.

Another incident occurred east of Cokeville on Pine Creek, where a headless elk carcass was discovered. The carcass was near a camp that had killed a large 6-pt bull. The antlers and head had been removed from the carcass while it was hanging in this camp. G&F thinks that this could be the carcass from that bull.

Yet another case happened last weekend south of Boulder near Little Prospect Mtn. A large mule deer carcass was discovered Sunday, Nov 3 without the head. G&F believe this incident occurred that morning.

Any info that anyone could provide in regards to these incidents would be appreciated by G&F.

A case from last year was recently prosecuted. A couple of scumbags were responsible for killing two mature mule deer and removing their heads( leaving the bodies to rot) in the same area the mule deer carcass from last weekend was discovered. The one guy got hit with a total of $11,840 in fines and restitution. He also received 35 days in jail and his hunting privileges were revoked for 6 yrs. His accomplice got $5,160 in fines, 19 days in jail, and revoked hunting for 4 yrs.

Here's my question to you guys: Do we need to increase penalties for poaching( especially wanton waste and winter range infractions)? Seems pretty obvious that poachers aren't too concerned about losing money. I feel these people(?) should sacrifice hunting for the rest of their lives. Stiffer jail sentences and higher fines should also be imposed. I'm sick and tired of these criminals. I should also say that these guys they caught had all the hunting equipment in their truck confiscated.

Of course they do.

Confiscate all equipment used to aid in the poaching of the animals.

Here is the flip. If someone kills a doe for meat to feed their families, should the same penalties be put in place for them?

These instances however are not poachers feeding their families, they are poaching for antlers and waisting meat.
Yep, stiffer penalties, and the same penalties regardless of motivation.

I have seen two cases of wanton waste of game this year. I doubt the guys will pay, even though one was driving around in his truck with the elk for several days showing it off in 60+ degree temps. It was a giant bull, I'm sure the warden must have seen it in the small town.
Throw the book at them!

I think if it's trophy poaching, the poacher should be banned for life from all hunting, everywhere in the USA! ...And lose everything used in the theft.

Any other motivation should be looked at case by case but the penalties should still be really stiff regardless.

It's time we made these theives PAY for their crimes!

In most cases we wait YEARS for a chance at a legal trophy and these guys just steal it from all of us. So sad.

"Here is the flip. If someone kills a doe for meat to feed their families, should the same penalties be put in place for them?"

I've talked to several wardons and every one of them has said essentially the same thing; "if they were really in need I would have helped them load the deer in their truck".

Pretty hard to convince the LEO you need the meat when you're driving a new Dodge diesel truck, as was the case with one offfender.
I personally don't feel that taking a doe for meat is nowhere near as egregious as wanton waste or head hunting. They are two totally different infractions. Not saying I defend the actions of a meat poacher, but their actions are more tolerable to me. At least they are not wasting the animal.

In Wyoming, our legislators seem to be opposed to raising penalties for poaching for some strange reason. At least, that's the way it's been in the past. I think it's time we really start pushing for stiffer penalties.

As co-projects director for Muley Fanatic Foundation, I am going to push for increasing penalties for poaching through the legislative contacts that our group has. Most of us bust our butts to kill a trophy legally, and more often than not, end up eating tag soup. Only to have some dirtbag kill said trophy on the winter range, taking the antlers and leaving the meat to waste. Wanton waste and head-hunting out of season need to have much stiffer penalties.

Thanks for the comments, guys.
I talked to the Game Warden from Cokeville and he told me that a ticket was written in the case of the Bull left up Pine Creek. It is always nice to hear that they caught up to the thief.


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