Poaching on the rise ?


Long Time Member
I see so many posts on the internet in the last month. Is it inflation and lawlessness or is it just the time of the year. Or is it because I have read some and the algorithms Google has is bringing more of them to my new phone ? It sure is sad to see so much of it going on. It is harder to draw and too many people but just suck it up and don't poach. Wyoming has serial poaching going on.
I think technology and social media has caused a lot of it. But at the same time this technology is making it harder for these poachers to get away with it. Just my thoughts.
I heard a guy might have poached a deer I saw dragged out years ago. I wish I had followed up in it. It was a trophy and I thought the person talked to had said he would do the right thing as he was a guide. Too late now I guess if I ever see or hear something I will report it .
social media
Real big part of it. I’ve said it before but I personally know guys that if there was no such thing as social media I’m 100% sure they wouldn’t even hunt. Add low morality to social media attention whores and yeah poaching is going to rise. They can’t get it done in season and can’t keep up with all the rest of the internet.
Would not like to admit that, /but once a poacher always a poacher. Hope you get caught and fried freak boy

This is hilarious. I pissed you off in that other thread for calling bulls#$t on you and what you pretend would be justified when you were on your power trip "profession" and now your tracking me down anywhere I post. Pathetic really. Some cop you were I bet...
You'll definitely see it go up. All of what has been mentioned drives the act of poaching up. In addition to that, some of those things also help catch poachers, and non-poachers are incentivized to turn people in... all of that adds up to seeing more incidents of poaching.

Like all criminals, the good ones don't get caught, the great ones are never even suspected. As the population gets dumber, more and more will get caught. ?
I think there’s less poaching today then 20-30 years ago. There’s less overall crime today than 30 years ago but if you watch the news or go one any MSM website you’d think the crime rates are up nationwide. Depressing/bad news sells.

What’s insane is how many “influencers” are poachers.
what i've always found funny too is poaching isn't even hard. its not like some great hunting accomplishment when you can just kill whatever when ever. hell yesterday i was out coyote hunting and could have easily killed a pretty nice muley buck and a decent pronghorn. no one would have saw me, id have got them home just fine. but it would have nothing to do with my ability to be a successful hunter.

that's also why im never impressed with anything i see come off a reservation. its like woopty doo, you can shoot whatever you want whenever you want off wintering grounds and not even have to remember to tie your shoes. mighty hunter

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