poaching and the expo


Long Time Member
Wonder how many crimes are committed just to have some glory at the s.f.w. con show?
Aren't you taking this a little too far? SFW and the Expo certainly have their problems but what are you going to blame on SFW next? Cancer? We lose credibilty on the real issues when we manufacture pseudo-issues.

Those are my two cents.

You're dead on Hawkeye. As soon as ears of power begin to listen, stuff like this gets going and eyes roll and two steps back you go.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
>Nothing taken to far it was
>a simple ?

IMHO it was a ridiculous insinuation or question just to stir the pot for no reason!
is it ridiculous that someone poached an animal that nobody anywhere had any idea he killed it then the first place it shows up is the expo?
I think it would be na?ve to believe that NONE of the animals at a hunting expo were poached. How many articles have we seen where animals were poached for television shows..?? If people are brazen enough to do it on television, I imagine there are a few that would do it to get their animal in a booth at an expo.

I'd say SFW and MDF would hold as much blame as the network that aired a television show that involved poaching- which is almost none. Would you suggest they investigate the origin of every single mount at the expo..?? Impossible.

I may not like some aspects of the Expo, but this thread is a stretch my friend. You are probably right about there being poached animals at the Expo, but I wouldn't point the finger at the Expo- I'd point it at the poacher.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>I think it would be na?ve
>to believe that NONE of
>the animals at a hunting
>expo were poached. How many
>articles have we seen where
>animals were poached for television
>shows..?? If people are brazen
>enough to do it on
>television, I imagine there are
>a few that would do
>it to get their animal
>in a booth at an
>I'd say SFW and MDF would
>hold as much blame as
>the network that aired a
>television show that involved poaching-
>which is almost none. Would
>you suggest they investigate the
>origin of every single mount
>at the expo..?? Impossible.
>I may not like some aspects
>of the Expo, but this
>thread is a stretch my
>friend. You are probably right
>about there being poached animals
>at the Expo, but I
>wouldn't point the finger at
>the Expo- I'd point it
>at the poacher.
>"Therefore, wo be unto him that
>is at ease in Zion!"
>2 Ne. 28: 24

Ditto! There's been poaching ever since there have been laws against it and for as many reasons/excuses as you could possibly imagine.
It's ok to bring up poaching here. I hope not to bash the Expo but just for talk.
I remember when I was a young man I was amazed at a hunter from Soda Springs Idaho named Cal Cazier. He was on the cover of Outdoor Life every year with another monster muley. Finally found out he was busted. He was a Wildlife Officer and he poached the animals in the winter. He was a bow hunter .
I think you are a little mixed up DrMad. I think the guy you are talking about was really named Cal Coziah. I met him many years ago at some hunting expo at the Salt Palace. He was a pretty down to earth kind of guy. He was a great bow hunter, and did a lot of his hunting back when Idaho gave out two tags per hunter. He also wrote a fantastic book about bow hunting that I think is the best book onb the subject ever written, called "Bucks Bows and Campfires". I have two copies and they are treasured possessions. His book was mostly about deer hunting, but includes some elk, antelope and bear hunting stories in it.

He planned on writing a book about elk hunting and another about hunting other misc animals, that I am sure would have also been classics.

He got into trouble when he stretched the law a little with a buck he shot near the Idaho/Wyoming border and put the wrong state's tag on it and also something to do with a bobcat that wasn't quite legal. Those kinds of little details used to be stretched pretty commonly by old timers many years ago, but is frowned upon a lot stronger nowadays. After his trouble with the law, he never did write his other books before he died of cancer, which was a great loss as far as I am concerned.
Lmfao my anger is fine eel! This post was not to single out the expo. It was ment for guys breaking the law for some glory at the expo. I never once said s.f.w. stands up for poaching! I just believe that when money and fame get involved shady $hit happens you can't deny that.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-16 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]>Check out my lynch mob thread
>in mule deer forum....
>"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

I knew Tri would be right in the middle of that one and he didn't disappoint!
>AT 06:36?PM (MST)

>>Check out my lynch mob thread
>>in mule deer forum....
>>"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>I knew Tri would be right
>in the middle of that
>one and he didn't disappoint!

yep :/

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

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