LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-15 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]Where did you find your results? I'm not too keen so far on this new website the G&F put up a couple days ago, as I was so used to the old one I could find whatever I wanted in my sleep. This one is going to take a while to get used to.
>Yeah, same here, the new website
>is a pain. Why did
>they have to change it?

Beats me, but if they ask for comments they aren't going to get any positive ones from me the way it's looking right now!
>I like it so far.

Being an old SOB I don't like change, but I'm sure I'll get used to it and feel the same way down the line.
I just went to my favorites list and clicked on the Wyo game site and NADA...twice.

So I went to and started to type in Wyo etc and the lick popped up. So I "saved it to my favorites" and deleted the old address....working fine now and not that hard to find myself looking at the Draw Odds etc.

Went to PLPW and clicked on apply for permit. Then enter your info and it will show if you drew or not. Wife found it not me

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