
To all the people who gave me help with my sheep area this year I just wanted to say thanks very much. I havent been on the site in awhile to let you know how I did and I apologize for that. Im back now and yes I did kill a nice ram, not as good as I should have (long story) but Im way happy with him. I'll post pics as soon as I get them scanned. Thanks again guys, Gary
I was curious and am glad you got a ram. With the difficulty in drawing a ram tag, I think its really unfortunate when folks don't get one. Especially when they really get after it. As far as apologizing.....not needed. This is just mindless fodder when we all have spare time from what should really be important in life and thats family and good friends. Can't wait to see your ram and if you get it to me ASAP, I can put it in the next RMBS newsletter.
Was wondering too what happened to Gary and a ram? Looking forward to the post.
Hell Gary, I thought you pulled up shop and headed down to be with 'Az.bowgirl'!! haha

For sure get your story and photo's over to 'buckspy' so he can get them into our RMBS quarterly mag.

Happy for ya..........Robb

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