PleaseDear get your Mt. Goat????

Sounds like you should have given the goat WAY more time to expire. Lesson learned I hope.

"The rich....who are content to buy what they have not the skill to get by their own exertions, are the real enemies of game".........Teddy Roosevelt
yeah, next time wait till it dies of old age. That would be long enough....I guess.

Sounds to me like you did everything that could of been done.


It sure has gone thru my mind and replayed many many times...

If I wouldn't have fallen and it getting up at that time, I would have put another arrow in it at like 12 yards... but after the fall.... 45-55 yards... to far for me....

Yeh, hindsight.....20/20 for sure....

Don't beat yourself up, it happens to all of us, just with different species.
Be thankful you had the experience, and don't let the naysayers get you down, they weren't there and you did what you thought was right.
Great story.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-06 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]"Sounds like you should have given the goat WAY more time to expire. Lesson learned I hope."

Yeah, cause you were there with him and you would have done better, right? You know what should have been done, and you know exactly right down to the second how long he should have waited, right? I guess he should have been more careful to make sure he didn't scare it when he fell? Somehow I doubt you would have been able to do half the things he did on this hunt, including shoot a Mtn Goat with a bow. The man did everything 100% and almost had a serious accident himself. Not much more you, or anybody could have done. It will happen to every serious hunter at some point. Show some respect.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Robb, sounds like it was an outstanding experience in everything but the outcome. You had a heck of a fine year of hunting, and I'm sure will remember this hunt and the others with good memories as time goes on. I hope your 2007 season brings as many good tags again.

BTW, I didn't get a goat on my Montana hunt, either. Still, a great experience.
Your entries on the bowsite forum speak highly of, not only your skills as a hunter, but your standards and ethics as well. I wish there were more guys out there like you. I'd be proud to share my campfire with you anytime!
Rob, I'm glad you were safe. It sounds like you had a great adventure and memories. Too bad about the goat. You gave a good honest effort that many would not have. Good luck in future draws. There will be more hunting.
What do you think happened to the goat? That is weird that it just disappeared. Do you think somebody beat you to it?
No, it was a snowy mess and way dangerous on Monday.. we; game warden, myself and the rock climbing kid where in there first thing on tuesday morning.....

In those cliffs and all those crags.....who knows?

Little B- Having had the privilege of sharing several campfires with Robb, I can tell you your perception of him is spot on.

Good luck trying to keep up with him, tho, he's got like sixteen foot strides!!

Damn good hunter, tho.

Not that I may be entirely predisposed or prejudiced in my comments or anything.......LOL
Geese, completely forgot about this post. Sorry for bringing it back to the surface. What you did was about as admirable as any I've heard. I doubt many would make the same decision you did. But oh the memories. Thanks for sharing that. Where abouts did she fall? I'm guessing off the front side? I've spent A LOT of time up there, in fact looking up there out the window right now.

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