Please vote for my kid!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-08 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]My wife entered my 3 year old son in a radio contest here in the SLC area. It is a little singing contest. I think he is really cute, but the winner is the one who gets the most votes. You can vote one time only. This link goes to the main page for the contest. Click to see the entries or just go straight to the vote link. My son is #45. Disneyland trip for the winner. Thanks guys, remember #45. Feel free to tell others to vote for him too!!

AGES 2-4



Done and posted on my mommy boards. They always come through for people on voting things like that.

>This is andy's wife Brittany. I
>really appreciate the cross-post. Parker
>is having a lot of
>fun with this. Thanks for
>the help.
NOt a prob. One lady said, "Cute kid, he wears that sweater well." lol Another one said, "WHo'd have time to watch all those videos anyway?" Another one said for me to let them know if he wins or not so be sure and let us know. GO PARKER!

Way cute kid, you two!
#45 is in. You owe me some mickey mouse ears if I get spammy emails. Good luck to the little guy.........
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-08 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]You've got one vote from me so far, but if what it says is correct and its one vote per computer.......i've got a hospital full of computers!.....gonna go try another one now.......

...edit.... it's once per e mail address, so the kid got two votes from me. i was gonna have fun hitting all 300 computers here at the hospital.

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