
Very Active Member
Ok, I am going to vent a little here. I lost another brother officer today. I am getting real tired of having a life that is forfeit.

Please slow down and move over when you see one of us on the road. I am begging you. I don't care is you have a four wheel drive, coefficient of friction of the roadway doesn't change for you.

These people are often my friends. They are mothers and fathers. They are sisters and brothers, and they just want to go home today like anyone else.

In fact, so are the construction workers. So take a few minutes out of your drive and give us all a break. I think our lives are worth the 14 minute delay to your destintination.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-10 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]Well said, Lisa. You're right, too many people don't think while driving, or drive defensively.

Just this past Monday, I was very nearly involved in a bad accident where a 19 year old kid was speeding on the freeway and nearly drove into the back of a car that was being driven much slower, by a woman who is in her later years. The kid braked suddenly and swerved hard to his left, right in front of me. I was driving defensively, so had room around me, with this idiot sliding sideways down the freeway at 65 mph, at least until he over-corrected and went shooting back across 3 lanes of traffic and right into the car he nearly rear-ended. They both went into a concrete wall and flipped over, sustaining serious injuries. I was able to avoid any contact, but it was a serious situation that could have been avoided if that kid has driven more slowly and was paying attention to the road and those around him.

Pred is right, we often take this stuff for granted. I'll join her in asking everyone to slow down and pay attention when driving.
Predator, what is the name of your friend? I visit ODMP quite often.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Thanks for the post. I am the first to admit that I drive too fast many times. However, I spend much time on interstates and I always move over and slow down when any vehicle is pulled to the side of the road. A great reminder none the less. I have more and more noticed that I am slowing down more and more every year. You mention saving 14 minutes....many times people aren't saving more than 1 or 2! Thanks again for the post!

I didn't know you were a lady.

I agree with your request and will spread the word all I can !

I, personally was hit in the back with a can of pop while changing a tire on my trailer, damn near knocked me out, and hurt like the devil. Just stupid , stupid !

Hang tough kid

You have my repsect for what you do---

Steve Cheuvront
I saw that story this am on ksl. Sad deal no matter how you look at it. Condolences to his family.
Sad story Lisa. Thanks for sharing. Does Utah have a law that requires drivers to slow down or move to the other lane when officers are on the side of the highway assisting or ticketing drivers? We do down here in Texas and it is a good law. Maybe that is something the LEO's should lobby for in Utah.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yes. Utah recently passed the law that you are required to shift lanes if you see a LE vehicle assisting or attending to someone on the side of the road. I did this twice yesterday on my way home from SLC. what kills me are the idiots who see this lane open up and dart into it and speed up as they pass the LE vehicle.
These accidents happen all to often not always with the same tragic outcome. Cold weather driving conditions and snow can be an officers worst enemy. As mentioned above people need to slow down and pay attention to those emergency lights. This is a very sad deal and could have been avoided.

My condolences go out the to his immediate and extended family.
What a heart breaking story. Why people won't slow down for dangerous conditions I'll never understand.

God Speed Sgt. Franco Aguilar and may God be with your family.

Roy, as stated above. It was so bad this winter, 40 troopers were hit, and they ahd to start using training vehicles because all of the road cars were in the repair shop or totalled.

I just say think about how you would feel if you were having to change a tire with cars still whizzing by at 70 mph less than 6 feet away.

I know the kid driver has to live with this as well as the lady whom the deputy stopped to help. I pray for their comfort and salvation, as I am sure it is difficult for them today as well.
Thanks for posting this. I know Franco personally. What an awesome guy and it is a great loss for the department, the community, his friends, but most of all for his young family. He was one that nobody in or out the department has ever had a bad thing to say about.
God speed Franco, R.I.P.

This is exactly the reason why we should reduce all the speed limits back down to 55.

I am sorry for your loss.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
Justin, you have to wonder why it is that the very best are the ones taken first. It truly means something that 'it was not how they died, but how they lived'. I am sorry for your personal loss, every one of these brings up memories of the day I arrived on an auto-ped to find a friend dying. It rips my guts out.
This copied from

Sergeant Franco Aguilar was killed at approximately 10:30 pm when he fell approximately 250-feet from a bridge on I-70.

He was investigating an accident on the bridge that involved a car that had crashed into a barrier after sliding on the snowy highway. As he gathered information from the driver an approaching SUV also lost control on the snow and slid into the vehicle that had previously crashed.

It is believed Sergeant Aguilar was either struck and thrown over the guardrail, or was attempting to jump out of the SUV's path, when he fell.

Sergeant Aguilar was killed on his 36th birthday.

Agency Contact Information
Sevier County Sheriff's Office
835 East 300 North
Suite 200
Richfield, UT 84701

Phone: (435) 896-2600

R.I.P. Sgt Aguilar
+1 on your last comment Predator.

That reminds of a story I heard awhile back about a little girl describing why dogs die so young. From what I can recall the story goes like this: The little girl had lost her pet dog and she didn't seem to be too awfully upset about it. Somebody asked her why she wasn't torn up about the death of her little buddy and this is what she said, again as far as I can recall. "People spend their entire lives trying to figure out how to love one another, that's why most of us live long lives. Dogs give unconditional love from the moment of birth and that's why their lives are shorter."

I beleive that the little girl hit the nail on the head. I truley believe that's why the good die young alot of the time.
Great post predator, maybe your post will save someones life out there.
I am a tow truck driver, around here most of the people slow down and move over, its the 2% that dont that really make it scary, when a car goes whizing by close at high speed the air pulls you a little tward the moving car, thats pretty spooky, i had 2 cars fly past me late one night this winter doing about 50 only moved over about 6 feet. on a road i could barely stand up on without my yax tracks on.
Franco was a good friend, a good cop, and most impotantly a good person, and father... He was a fun guy to work with. I know I'm going to miss him! He was also an avid hunter, and outdoorsman. It was always fun talking hunting with him.
We were out on wrecks in the past together, cussin' people because people wouldn't slow the freak down and move over. How ironic it is that he went this way. Feels like a cheap shot to all law enforcement!
R.I.P. Franco my friend! You're time in hell is done! We'll take the watch from here.
Elkster, my thoughts and prayers are with you all down there. I'll be along to pay my respects next week, and I'll be bringing all my other brothers and sisters with me. We'll give him a great send-off, I promise you that.
My thoughts and condolences to each of you who knew him and especially to his Wife and young children. What a horrible tragedy that could be prevented by slowing down and giving the LEO's the space. I know I have had my share of close calls here on I 15 but I have a Fire truck to protect me.

Please slow down folks. Nothing is more important that it means you can drive crazy in bad weather or dangerously close by an accident scene. Slow down, move over and be patient. Be safe all!
Lisa its tough, i know one my best friends from the marines was one the first to die in 2003, i still am not over it. But being in iraq i figured this out. It doesnt matter where you are when its your time its your time. He could have died on that road, he could have had a heart attack, he could have been shot responding to a call. I know how hard your job is as a police man or woman, john doe public doesnt care how you risk your life, all they care about is what a blank that cop was that gave them a ticket. Their own fault, i never have faulted a cop for giving me a speeding ticket. And like you said i hope he didnt suffer...


has anyone seen my kittie
:-( sorry to hear the sad news Pred...hopefully people will be more careful in the future because you're absolutely right!!


Howdy Lisa,

We too lost an officer last week. He was pursuing a speeding vehicle... NOT AT SUPER HIGH SPEEDS EITHER, when a vehicle ran a red light and plowed into the officer's motorcycle. The officer had on his flashing lights, his flashing headlights, his siren, and was in radio contact with headquaters when he was hit. He will be put to rest on Monday, and I expect there will be several thousand folks to line the road his funeral processiion will take to the cemetery! The national "Honor Flag" that had flown at ground zero on 9-11 has been flown in by the military to be flown at half-mast during the funeral and burial. Flags are at half-mast across the entire State of Texas for the next 48 hours in rememberance of this fine family man and dedicated officer.


Here is a link to the story...

Officer Rodney Holder, you will be missed!

Three officers died that day. Two more have died since, including today.

I am afraid this year's toll is going to be record-breaking if this continues.


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