PLEASE READ .........


Founder Since 1999
I have had a few complaints lately that many of the heated threads turn into name calling, etc. Please people, take it easy! Don't take the debate so seriously and if you can't help it, then please bite your tongue when you want to make comments like that.
Going forward, the moderators and I will be making a greater effort to delete those messages and remove the users who continually post that crap.
I know that with many of these top topics, some are very passionate about them and sometimes make comments that are nothing more than rude and in the end make them look stupid. Please take a deep breathe and post nothing at all if you haven't anything worth a crap to say.

And for all others, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, use that ALERT link below every post on this site if you see something that shouldn't be on this site. It's very difficult for myself and the moderators to read every post, so we really need you guys to help us out and let us know when you see a post that is just some jerk being a jerk. We can get those posts removed and those users booted easily if we know about them. We just need your help.

You all can also use the ALERT to let me know if a thread needs to be moved to another forum. It's very easy. Click on ALERT, make a quick comment why the post or thread should be move or deleted, and hit submit. It'll make it a better place.

Thank you all!!!

Brian Latturner
AWESOME..... Way over due for this. Guess I will say my goodbyes to all the koolaid drinkers right now, and with them gone I will be safe cause I wont need to RESPOND to all of their name callings and slandering's.

Your sight gets better everyday Brian.....

Tony Abbott
The next buck to have a fawn will be the
Maybe you should get off the hard stuff and back on the koolaid. Your thinking would be much clearer!
I thought you'd find some humor in my post but you've not responded yet. What's up with that?
While you and I don't always agree, I have a lot of love going your way. We've known each other a long time and nothing negative will ever be thrown your way... by me!
Thanks Founder,
It has been hard for me to call myself an MMer lately with all the hate! I love talking hunting, but it is painful to argue about it!

Cheers on moving forward.
>I thought you'd find some humor
>in my post but you've
>not responded yet. What's up
>with that?
>While you and I don't always
>agree, I have a lot
>of love going your way.
>We've known each other a
>long time and nothing negative
>will ever be thrown your
>way... by me!

What does Founders thread have to do with your relationship with Tony??
Just as Brian stated...."Please take a deep breathe and post nothing at all if you haven't anything worth a crap to say"
Tell Ya What!

We heat things up just a bit!

Then I start gettin PM's !

People Bawling!


Then I get called an Azzhole!

Now that name callin Hurts!

Then to Top it all off!

This JOKER says I got a Song for you:

I'm tellin You this Cuts Deep!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
I laughed Kyle. I have been running all day and only saw it now. You know I got thick skin. Anyway thanks for the chuckle.

Tony Abbott
The next buck to have a fawn will be the
Good deal Brian.

I pretty much avoid most every thread as it some how, some way turns into yet another koolaid crowd vs reality crowd blow up.

Let us hope it really works out for the best.

Bottom line...Some folks need thicker skin...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
An indication of intelligence is:
The ability to hear differing opinions without becoming offended.
>What does Founders thread have to
>do with your relationship with
>Just as Brian stated...."Please take a
>deep breathe and post nothing
>at all if you haven't
>anything worth a crap to

OK slamdunk! Thanks for setting me straight.

We got about 4 Months before Moods start getting any better!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
I think Bucksnort's disclaimer should be an agreement that all members must accept before being aloud to view threads. Maybe that'll get rid of the thin skinned....I'm just sayin!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-12 AT 06:39AM (MST)[p]"and post nothing
>at all if you haven't
>anything worth a crap to

Does this mean I cannot post any more?

I guess I just have to seek my entertainment on the midget website

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
YEA...Ban this ZIGGA and leave D13er alone. Even trade across the board. Maybe add a couple of other nitwits that think the same like ZIGGA.

Careful guys. You're treading pretty close to discussing the "relationship" of one hunter to another. MR slmdnk will pull out his moderator badge and flash it.

BTW: this is a recreational site, NOT a business site for those of us who participate. While I agree that we should take a more civil approach, we still come here for recreation and entertainment. As incredible as it may seem to slmdnk, it includes relationships.

If a thread gets off-track or is hi-jacked, so be it. The content of which might be entertaining providing we take a more civil approach.


Proudly, Zeke

BTW: I tried to have a private discussion with slamdnk but everything about him is hiding behind his computer.
I'm covered!

Well almost!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Does that mean we have to be nice to SFW? Or since they're an entity or an it and not a person, can we keep speaking the truth...
Good gawd, I'm gonna change my name to "nuke em"

Don't make me put that list of off limits words again.
I say we all light up a little mother earth and hold hands singing......

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayah

Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

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