Please help



I have suddenly found myself in desparate need of a place to hunt mule/whitetail deer, pheasant, and grouse somewhere in region 7. When I applied for a license for me and my son I was assured that I had a private 5000 acre ranch to hunt on. Now, that ranch is no longer available due to unforeseen circumstances. I've never hunted in Montana and was really looking forward to spending time in the great outdoors with my son. If anyone knows of a decent place to hunt I would really appreciate the info. At this point we'll even hunt public land. I've considered Custer National Forest south of Miles City, but know absolutely nothing about the area. I've already spent a lot of money to prepare for this trip and hate to see it go to waste. I also don't like the idea of breaking the news to my son. He's been hyped since I first told him about the idea of hunting in Montana, and especially when he found out we got drawn. Thank you and God bless.
>I have suddenly found myself in
>desparate need of a place
>to hunt mule/whitetail deer, pheasant,
>and grouse somewhere in region
>7. When I applied for
>a license for me and
>my son I was assured
>that I had a private
>5000 acre ranch to hunt
>on. Now, that ranch is
>no longer available due to
>unforeseen circumstances. I've never hunted
>in Montana and was really
>looking forward to spending time
>in the great outdoors with
>my son. If anyone knows
>of a decent place to
>hunt I would really appreciate
>the info. At this point
>we'll even hunt public land.
>I've considered Custer National Forest
>south of Miles City, but
>know absolutely nothing about the
>area. I've already spent a
>lot of money to prepare
>for this trip and hate
>to see it go to
>waste. I also don't like
>the idea of breaking the
>news to my son. He's
>been hyped since I first
>told him about the idea
>of hunting in Montana, and
>especially when he found out
>we got drawn. Thank you
>and God bless.

"at this point I will even hunt public land"........

My God! And be forced to rub elbows with the peasantry?.....What IS this world coming too?

I doubt the rest of us will make you hunt naked or anything!

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
>>I have suddenly found myself in
>>desparate need of a place
>>to hunt mule/whitetail deer, pheasant,
>>and grouse somewhere in region
>>7. When I applied for
>>a license for me and
>>my son I was assured
>>that I had a private
>>5000 acre ranch to hunt
>>on. Now, that ranch is
>>no longer available due to
>>unforeseen circumstances. I've never hunted
>>in Montana and was really
>>looking forward to spending time
>>in the great outdoors with
>>my son. If anyone knows
>>of a decent place to
>>hunt I would really appreciate
>>the info. At this point
>>we'll even hunt public land.
>>I've considered Custer National Forest
>>south of Miles City, but
>>know absolutely nothing about the
>>area. I've already spent a
>>lot of money to prepare
>>for this trip and hate
>>to see it go to
>>waste. I also don't like
>>the idea of breaking the
>>news to my son. He's
>>been hyped since I first
>>told him about the idea
>>of hunting in Montana, and
>>especially when he found out
>>we got drawn. Thank you
>>and God bless.
>"at this point I will even
>hunt public land"........
>My God! And be forced to
>rub elbows with the peasantry?.....What
>IS this world coming too?
>I doubt the rest of us
>will make you hunt naked
>or anything!
>"I could eat a bowl of
>Alphabet Soup and
>sh!t a better argument than that!"

Come on Nicky!

If thats the Best you can do it's about time for another can of Alphabet Soup!:D

Well, it is after all, the Sabbath!
And besides, he's new.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
Normally, I would leave my husband to fight his own battles. HOWEVER, this comment pi$$es me off to no end!

How dare you make such vast assumptions! What a JERK thing to do! You don't even have a clue what this man is about yet you jump right in with fast judgments. Want me to explain to you (as simply as I possibly can because that seems to be your level of communication) what he meant? When he says, ?At this point we'll even hunt public land?, he did NOT mean that in the derogatory term in which apparently you took it. Have you ever went to a different state and tried to hunt public land without anyone to guide you? It's a nightmare at best! We have NOTHING against public land, have hunted it often. But it was in areas that we knew well. Hunting in unchartered public land is very hard to say the least. But at this point, he is desperate enough to do so.
Now let me tell you a little about this man you have sat in judgment of. He recently battled cancer and by the grace of God we are trusting and believing that he has overcome it. He has hunted all his life and has great respect for the gift of this earth that God has entrusted us with. He has taught his sons and daughter those same beliefs and they adore him for the godly man he is. He has had a once in a lifetime hunting trip with his eldest son and now wishes to have that same experience with his youngest in the beautiful state of Montana. He was promised land to hunt with a local to guide him and his son. By no one?s fault, that fell through. After already being drawn and out MUCH funding to make this dream trip come true, he was left with nowhere to hunt for himself and his son. So we've been researching online and he came upon this forum. And THIS is the response he got'sad.
Now before you go thinking anything negative about me telling you about his battle with cancer, know why I did. NOT as a way to gather sympathy. But as a way to help you understand WHY this trip is so important. He mentioned this forum to me tonight and the response he got and well?it pi$$ed me off and I couldn't just stand by. I don't judge the state of Montana by YOU and your response. I know some people there and they are indeed wonderful people. But you have represented your state poorly and a just, good man would apologize for doing so.
Just my two pennies?spend them as you wish.
Don't miind Nicky. He is so crotchety he hates himself and for good reason too. He practically uses his body as an amuesment park.
Call the local fish and game, game wardens, national forest offices and see if they can give you any names of ranches or an area on public land that would be good to try. Also, if you have any kind of a hunt to swap, try getting a swap going. I have been to Montana twice on swap hunts, hunted public land both times and got two elk.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Well Nicky!

Once again you've Impressed a Lady!

On average Nicky?

How many times a day do you get your Ass Chewed?

Once again, the misunderstanding of sarcasm rears its ugly head.

Dustbunny - I apologize for nickman's attempt at humor at your husband's expense, but I can assure you this, it was not meant to be mean spirited or rude, it just came across that way.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
It is my goal in life to piss someone off every single day. If it wasn't for me, you GOOD guys would not look so holy.
That said, I have the same attitude about doing some good everyday.

Now, regarding the particular post in question;

Lady, YOUR husband provided the platform here, I made NO personal attack on him and only used what he said as a lead.
If you knew anything about some of the snooty assed people who are able to exclusively hunt private land, and flaunt the fact, you would understand my comment.
It was HIS error in grammar composition, not mine.

I am not sure what your intent was in describing the problems your husband has overcome. Everyone has trials and tribulations, it's part of life.

All that said, I am NOT going to apologize for my post and as I knew would happen, some of the more genteel MM guys have come to your aid.

You have to take the good.......them...... with the around here. That is part of life also.

Oh, and just to set the record straight, I don't live in Montana, and have no way to assist you there. Should I have just said nothing?......probably, but then, it was just too easy and I simply couldn't help myself.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-12 AT 10:24AM (MST)[p]I hope you find the help you need. I found it a little offensive when you said "I will even hunt public" since that is where I get to hunt most of the time.

However, I applaud your wife for putting nickman in his place. He is a jerk.
First, let me apologize if I offended anyone with the comment about public land. I've hunted public land in Colorado, Texas, and Florida on more than one occasion and found it to be very enjoyable. I have no problem "rubbing elbows" with those who don't have access to private land because I've been in that same group many times. I was not trying to brag about hunting on private land, it's just really nice if you have the opportunity. But, I've done just as well on most of the public land I've hunted as I have on private land. I would like to say thank you to all of you that have shared information on places to hunt. You have been very helpful.
Another way to look at it is that the internet is like a junior high playground: people can be act like bullies and get away with it. A lot of them even get their kicks by getting a rise out of people. You just have to have thick enough skin to overlook that for the good you also get.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Don't judge the guys on this forum, not even nickman. We see so much garbage it's hard to take a new poster fishing for a great place to hunt seriously. Especially the way it was worded. I posted in the Montana forum also. You DO NOT need a guide OR private land to have a great hunt and good time here in Montana. You have the trip planned, load your stuff, get out here and have a good time. mtmuley
Send me a PM if you want some info on public land hunting in SE MT. There really is a lot of access,and some good hunting on public land.
Well, I think we all have to take a step back and look at his handle - TXN4LIFE - so he is a Texan - and understand that there is virtually no public hunting in Texas. When there is, it is a crap-shoot zoo with too many people on too small of a property. To really be successful in Texas, or even have a chance for that matter, you have to lease private land and maintain it over the year, or pay exorbitant fees to hunt a private ranch. So I get where you are coming from when you say "I will even hunt public" - because in Texas, you are actually saying that is your last resort. However in most of the West, it is just the opposite for most folks. It is just a different mentality, so I can see why nickman reacted the way he did too.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Oh he,ll Roy the only thing good to come out of Texas is,,,Hmmmm drawing a blank rght now. BBL after I do a Google search. :)
That's funny, I read it that way too!

Get on the MFG website. They have a ton of useful info.
Get the access book and map. then when you've narrowed down a few, you can print out each one as a map.
I don't know why your wife has such a hard time hunting public you don't know well, I've done it lots of times. Granted, success rates are not what you get hunting well known areas, but it is a hunt after all, not a "harvest"! AND in the spirit of hunting with your boy, it should be about the hunt, spending time (you were blessed with) together outdoors, etc. If he can't appreciate that, he needs a lesson in family time.


If you ain't the lead dog,
the view never changes

Southeastern Montana has tons of areas to hunt all the game you mentioned. I grew up there before joining the Marine Corps more than 25 years ago and I go back every chance I get. I've hunted the areas south of Miles City around Broadus many years ago before you had to pay trespass fees and there were a lot of great bucks down there. They are still there, but I hear the area is pretty populated with pumpkins in the gun season. I hunt several different Block Management Areas between Terry and Baker now and they all have their fair share of deer and some with great bucks. You have got to do some legwork and get into an area where few are willing to travel. That's where the bucks are going to be after the opener. I walk a couple of miles sometimes to get away from the roads and do it in the dark to get to a nice ridge surrounded by cedar and juniper in the badlands. Those same areas have good populations of sharptail grouse and turkey too. Problem is the bird populations are down over the last couple of years though there are still some good pockets.
Hunt areas of public land along the yellowstone or find some farmers with corn fields and just stop and ask for pheasants. Deer populations east of Fallon are down bad along the river due to blue tongue disease, caused by biting midges and causes internal bleeding and is highly lethal on deer. Get away from the river bottoms if you want to see good numbers of deer. Like I said, the badlands are good but tough to hunt. In some of the BMA's there are large tracts of flat grassland with large tracts of coulees cut through them that are full of brush and trees and will hold mule deer and whitetail together.
Good Luck
Thank you my dear, you explained things far better than I did or could have. Gotta say, the more I research Montana, the more I LOVE it. What an awesome state!

>Well, I think we all have
>to take a step back
>and look at his handle
>- TXN4LIFE - so he
>is a Texan - and
>understand that there is virtually
>no public hunting in Texas.
>When there is, it is
>a crap-shoot zoo with too
>many people on too small
>of a property. To really
>be successful in Texas, or
>even have a chance for
>that matter, you have to
>lease private land and maintain
>it over the year, or
>pay exorbitant fees to hunt
>a private ranch. So I
>get where you are coming
>from when you say "I
>will even hunt public" -
>because in Texas, you are
>actually saying that is your
>last resort. However in most
>of the West, it is
>just the opposite for most
>folks. It is just a
>different mentality, so I can
>see why nickman reacted the
>way he did too.
>Since I am frequently asked about
>my religion on this site
>and others, I have created
>a profile that explains my
>beliefs. If you are interested
>in finding out more about
>my faith, please visit the
>link below:
I would like to thank everyone for sharing information on places to hunt. After much research I have contacted a landowner who participates in the block management program and have permission to hunt his land south of Richey the first week of gun season. My son and I will be meeting up with two cousins who live in Montana. I'm really looking forward to spending time with family. I haven't seen my cousins in several years, so we'll have time to catch up and enjoy each other's company. And, as a bonus we have a chance to fill some tags. Thanks again for all the help.

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