PLEASE HELP W/ Question !!!


Active Member
My Grandpa is 98 years old , the only survivor of the sinking of the Indianapolis who is alive today !!! He was an avid fisherman while residing on the Oregon Coast , but due too excessive allergy problems he has resided here in ST George UT . My question to you guys or gals , at the age of 98 , does that individual still need a fishing license . I want to get my Grandpa out one last time to do some good fishing, likely Fish lake . Any advise would be greatly appreciated . Thanks . Mike .
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-11 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]Yes he does. If you plan on going out for just 1 trip, you can buy a 1 or 7 day license. A 1 day is $8 and a 7 day is $16.
He does....but (at least here in Idaho) the Sr. Citizen license is very inexpensive.

Tell him thanks for the service!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
98 years old and still active. Bless him. I hope the 2 of you can make it a day at the lake. Take tons of pics.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-11 AT 11:23PM (MST)[p]What is his name I have meet two of the guys from the ship a few years back. I live in St.George. When are you planing your trip ?
One of them told me a story of putting a trash can over his head to breath when the ship went down.
Good for him!

If I reach 98 and I want to go fishing, I ain't buying a license......they can just kiss my wrinkled up ol' ass!!

Even in Calif, you can get a yearly one for $6 at his age.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
it would be an honor to be a part of that trip.would you let me and the rocky mountain elk foundation. donate to that day of fishing. send ifor. pm.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-11 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]BIGJOHNT, my grandpa's name is Bill Martin . As of now he and my grandma are in a assisted living facility behind the Mall , a real nice facility . The story behind his survival of the sinking ship is just crazy . I can't imagine being in the shark infested waters watching other people being eatin alive by sharks . I'm originally from oregon myself and use to do tons of salmon fishing w/ my grandpa as a kid. since I've moved to ST George Utah 23 years ago , I have not done much fishing . Thanks for all the advise and answers guys . Mike .
My next door neighbor is the president of the southern utah angler assc. He is a fishing nut and is always at sand hallow or quail fishing. So we can go that way.I have a boat avaliable at fish lake I just pulled out of the water, but it will be up there for the next month or so. But I suck as a fisher man trying to be a better one. But the elk hunt and deer hunt are going on next month. I can take him on a boat ride, but as far as catching fish? I can catch rainbows and splake but have not figured out the big fish yet ! So If someone will guide and be responible fo the fishing I can drive the boat .;-)
You also live in St.George ? Pm me or we can get together here in town and figure something out.
For what your Grandpa has done and went thru...I'd just take him fishing and if the fish-cop gave him a citstion he's a ####...I'd go to court and let the judge decide....and if he cited him he's a #### too...
>For what your Grandpa has done
>and went thru...I'd just take
>him fishing and if the
>fish-cop gave him a citstion
>he's a ####...I'd go to
>court and let the judge
>decide....and if he cited him
>he's a #### too...



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+1 Just take him fishing and if you get checked tell them you thought since he is 98 he didn't need a license.
I guess you can just tell the game warden if he ask...... He doesn't
buy green banana's or year long fishing license's.;-) Thats what my 94 year old grandpa always says..."I dont buy green bananas" He still hunts and fishes. He lives on Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho has a dock on the lake. He shot his last elk at 92 and is getting ready to go elk hunting right now.
He taught me hunter safety and ran the Fort McArther gun club most of my young life. He also ran german short hairs and raised his own quail and pheasants.
To top it off my 94 year old grandpa loves his 300 weatherby and still shots it today. We are both very lucky to enjoy them for so long !!
I doubt you do, but I would be more than happy to buy that guy a fishin license.
Just take your Grandpa fishing and don't worry about the same things.

Hope that someone takes Eelgrass & I fishing when we get to the ripe old age of 98 too.....hint, hint.

>Kilo, is that next week??

It was actually last March but at his age you can't expect him to remember everything.

I took my dada fishing this last summer and he was 82,We drove to willow lake and fished all day at one of his favorite spots.It was all i could do to get him moved around to be able to fish. He was in a wheel chair and almost could not walk at all and i had to cast for him.We never cought a fish but it was important because he passed a week later. You are doing the right thing. { God Bless }
the dwr will screw us the rest of our lives,even at 98,best get a license,i'll bet with a few MM donations we could & would proudly round him up enough funds for a license he deserves

"My ole Man's that ole Man"...................."Made in America"

let us know if you want us to round the money up for a license?
i'd rather see the 'Proud American'(your dad)legal rather than ending up in a hassle with the dwr,he's probably too proud to accept the offer but we have several mm'ers on here that'd gladly/proudly chip in to buy him a license,let us know?

far as i'm concerned the (dwr) should 'give' him a license Free,but i don't make the laws,let's keep him legal,at 98 you never know,he just might whoop a wardens ass,lol

I'd be buying a license for him but.... think of all the excitement if you didn't. It would add a whole new element to the trip (danger, suspense). Think about it, it might be his last defiant act.

Good luck, I hope you make it out fishing.
Just me, I think a Vet that has served in the sevices should get a half price tag or fishing licences.But your Granpa should get a Police excort to his fishin hole.Take and tell FG when they show u can kiss his aZZ.cowboy57
I dont think the license is the issue. Or it shouldn't be. A one day fishing license is 8.00 a 7 day is 16.00 a year is 21.00.
Fishing is fishing though ! Hopefully you can get him out on a good day when the fish are biting. My neighbor can remove two chairs to make room for a wheel chair if needs be.\

But like the green Banana story I told.....dont wait to long !!
So what happened with the whole fishing trip? If I can get away I would love to go down as well. I have had some pretty good luck fishing for the Macs down there, but never in Nov. You may want to wait until the ice is on, but for a 98yo I would imagine he wouldn't have much insulation left and might be a little arthritic. Any updates?

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Hey Jt ,I am heading up this weekend .Have to get the boat and a wheeler picked up before they spend the winter up on the mountain.. I thought I might do some fishing if the weather is ok? If not got to do a few things around the cabin.
Good luck if you are able to wet a hook. Mack fishing is pretty slow this time of year. We were up a few weeks ago to winterize the cabin. We caught a few splake and a ton of 14-18" rainbows. I wish I had time to head down there again. I am using all of my time off for the extended.

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller

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