Pleasant thought


Long Time Member
You don't have to imagine, just take a trip to Iran.

Religion is the law, no abortions, no environmental concerns, the rich rule and the poor serve, they have their own version of the patriot act, they also think they're invinsible, and best of all no homo's.
> You don't have to imagine,
>just take a trip to
> Religion is the law, no
>abortions, no environmental concerns, the
>rich rule and the poor
>serve, they have their own
>version of the patriot act,
>they also think they're invinsible,
> and best of all
>no homo's.

And yet, We should be more tolerant of our muslim friends right?
What do you mean be more tolerant, make a few tweaks here and there and Iran is a far right conservative theme park.

Ransom I know you were joking, but the thought of a world run by conservatives with no adult supervision is just too funny. or scary, depending on how serious you are.
> What do you mean be
>more tolerant, make a few
>tweaks here and there and
>Iran is a far right
>conservative theme park.
Huntindude, you have absolutely no idea what conservatism is, do you ? That statement is ridicules.
The fact is, countries like Iran have much more in common with modern day liberalism.
Conservatives spearheaded the effort to go over and fight against the the $hit you just tried to pin on them. With the Dems full support until it got difficult........ After 9-11 your average right wing looney was in favor of leveling the whole region, You're average Limp-wrister Lib wanted to build more mosques (sp?) and be more "understanding" and "tolerant" of the fascist muslim wackos. Our leaders made a smart compromise and off to afganistan we went...... we all know the rest.
America on its worst day will never resemble whats going on in Iran so long as we remain balanced. For you to claim it will is pretty offensive. Opposing viewpoints and compromise are what makes us strong. Checks and balances, we need them.
I didn't say they were liberal, I said they had more in common with modern day liberals.

The Islamo-fascist than run Iran are religious zealots who are intolerant of differing points of view. Why don't you go to one of America?s bastions of liberal thinking like a major university and speak out publicly against the liberal religion of global warming ? Maybe try speaking against gun control or racial preferences like affirmative action, and see how tolerant the liberals are ?

Both American liberals and Iran control the people by controlling the press.

Both fear an armed free population.

Both hate the American military.

The leadership of both American liberals and Iran are elitist who feel they know what is best for the peasant class population.
>I didn't say they were liberal,
>I said they had more
>in common with modern day
>The Islamo-fascist than run Iran are
>religious zealots who are intolerant
>of differing points of view.
> Why don't you go
>to one of America?s bastions
>of liberal thinking like a
>major university and speak out
>publicly against the liberal religion
>of global warming ?
>Maybe try speaking against gun
>control or racial preferences like
>affirmative action, and see how
>tolerant the liberals are ?
>Both American liberals and Iran control
>the people by controlling the
>Both fear an armed free population.
>Both hate the American military.
>The leadership of both American liberals
>and Iran are elitist who
>feel they know what is
>best for the peasant class

Tru dat...

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