Playing with Dolphins Pics



I know this is a bit off topic but yesterday my wife and I went down to the harbor to go for a boat ride since the weather was so nice and it's getting close to the time when the whales to be passing through our part of the ocean on their migration.

Well we did not see any whales as it is a little early but the dolphins are sure here. I have attached a few photos of the dolphins that were right next to our boat. The funny thing is they like to swim up along the bow of my boat than they roll on their side and swim along with the boat and you can actually hear them bump their heads and bodies on the side of our boat.
If I speed up they speed up and stay right with you.

They are lots of fun to watch and right now everytime we go out there are hundreds of them out there.



From last week:



And finally a photo of three mulies we shot this past November '08 in South Dakota.

>Those look like porpoises to me.

That's what I thought they were but my wife looked them up and the pics of the ones above are "Common Dolphins" and the pics in my other posting that she took yesterday are the Bottle Nose Dolphins which are solid grey and a little larger.


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