playing sports in high elevations



have heard of people taking some sort of supplement before hunting in high elevations. My daughter is going to be playing in a softball tournament in Denver and has been advised that she may get sick becuase of the elevation. Does anyone have any suggestions for her.
Gatoraide and the powdered mineral supplement Emergenc-C. My daughter played Div 1 College Basketball and when she played high elevation games thats what she did. Even though being born and raised at 4500 ft. Going to Colorado or Wyoming to play it still made a difference. When she played at sea-level she could go like like a bay-out-of-hell all the game.
I just talked to a co worker who runs the marathons, including the SLC one and he said....electrolytes.....lots of them if your not used to the altitude.

He tried to get me to say that a week before going to denver she should tape pieces of straws in her nose to get used to not being able to breathe.....i said i wasn't going to pass that on as advice. He says it works.

but i would put all my eggs in the electrolyte basket.


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