Playing Santa


Long Time Member
nope, no wisecracks or photoshopped images. The mrs. and me just got back from homeless hangout... an area where 20-25 homeless folks live, mostly in tents, boxes and under tarps. Sad to see being this cold out, not sure how they do it. We picked 4 guys who didnt wreak of alcohol and seemed personable, took em to McDonald's, let have whatever they wanted, then drove them to the Super 8 and bought 2, 2 bed rooms. At least a few of them will go to bed tonight clean and warm. We try to do something nice at least once a year for a few of the less fortunate. Thanks to all that donate whatever you can to those that need it.
Nice job Feleno.

We try to do something for others each year too. Our community has what they call a Wishing Tree where children from families who are less fortunate than some place an ornament on the tree with a little wish list of things they would like. We've "adopted" a couple kids off the tree the last few years. This year my wife, son and I took care of two boys, age 3 - 5, and a little girl age 2. It was fun shopping for toys and clothes for these little guys. A friend of ours was also seriously injured in an automobile accident two weeks ago and she and her friend are laid up pretty bad. My daughter and son-in-law started a donation fund at a local bank for them. I told my daughter they made me damn proud. Anyway we donated some money to that fund and I made some homemade soup to help the family out when cooking was the last thing on their minds.

We did those things in lieu of spending a bunch of money on gifts for each other and kept that small. A good feeling..

I'm sure many others on MM did something similar through church or on their own. Let's hear it!
I really like to help when i can but this year hasn't been the best. Other than the regular local holiday fund i contribute to, I was able pay for a shopping cart half full of some basics and the essentials for a holiday meal for a needy Mom and daughter.

I was behind them in line at the counter and said "Merry Christmas, your food there, is on me" It wasn't much, under $60. but i felt good about it and hopefully, they did too!

I'm also out a few $20. bills from my money clip. There are a few guys back from my hard drinking days that i always look up and slip em a couple bucks. These guys are pretty busted up now and can't work. Yes, they've made some bad choices along the line but they are still my good friends and a few extra dollars in their pockets at Christmas time goes a long ways.

Very nice guys!!! We do some similar things too as a family and our church always serves a holiday meal for those less fortunate in our town. This year we served over 700 people (in a town of only 23000).

It really IS better to give than to receive....
Feleno- There is no April Fools Day in December!! You're not getting me to fall for this one!

Great Post. I must admit I have enjoyed a lot of your posts.......but none more than this one !!

" Just Livin' the Dream "
If I were you I'd hope and pray that the maid at the Super 8 didn't get your license plate number....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Come on, Feleno.....when's Ashton Kutcher coming out to tell me I've been Punk'd? Am I on Candid Camera or something?

Although, I have heard your wife does like to frequent that particular Super 8......:)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-09 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Wiz, Feleno is gone for the night. He's in some motel room partying with some gay homeless guys.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-09 AT 07:38PM (MST)[p]Wiz, Eel... you guys crack me up as always. Just got done watching a LAME movie, wife's choice called What About Steve... a nite at the motel couldn't have been much worse :). Dang thats a BAD, BAD movie.

We've had a pretty good year, both business' doing well. lots of people lost jobs, sick, ect., so while we are having a bit of fortune we might as well share it.

Good on all you others that did good deeds, I know there are a lot of you out there in cyber land tonite.
OK Feleno, since you really are being serious, my wife and I contribute faithfully every month to our local rescue mission. All of the money is used locally for food and shelter in a religious setting. My uncle runs a rescue mission in the Seattle area.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
"Wiz, Feleno is gone for the night. He's in some motel room partying with some gay homeless guys."

Excellent work, Eel!!

I'm just giving you a hard time, Feleno. I think that is great that you and your wife have that generous bone in your body. It does feel good to see somebody's face light up when an unexpected gift comes their way. I probably don't "give" as much as I should but I do occasionally. I'm sure the next time I'm out and about and I see a homeless, gay guy, I'll think of this post.....

Then I'll probably send him to the Super 8 for the "special" from Felenos wife!!! AHHHHHHHHH didn't see that one coming, did you??

I supported a few single moms at the local strip bar this week...I'm sure I've made several car payments for those moms over the past few years :) and some people call me an a-hole??

My favorite blonde was dressed as bad they don't like cameras in those places though or I woulda taken some photos to share...I mean some photos to get nuked lol!!


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