Player blows kiss after HR

Disagree with you there ELKO, big league ball players are generally the classiest compared to other sports. He has one hell of a swing but still has a ton of growing up to do. Unfortunately his swing over shadows his attitude and he will make millions.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Still in the minor's!! Who cares....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
#1 draft pick look how much money he has already gotten he could care less what he does. I think he is a total tool.
My cousin's kid - a pitcher at CNCC in Rangely struck him out last year when Harper was playing for Southern Nevada. Harper will play in the bigs but he he's like JD Drew - a lot of hype that will equate to a middle of the lineup utility player.

If I am wrong I am wrong.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I am still a fan of Drew, love seeing those shots towards the Pesky Pole. I thought Strasburg was all hype last year too but he sure shut me up in his debut.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
I remember playing in a tournament in St George in High School and a kid was wearing leather farm gloves as his batting gloves. Some of the guys on my team were letting him have it how bush league it was, etc. He hit three home runs that day and never said a word. Good for him.

I remember another kid hitting a home run and doing a back flip onto home plate as he came around. Needless to say he got hit the next two times up and the second time the pitcher got tossed.

Maybe he isn't totally matured, so what.....the "bigs" will line him out soon enough.

It would be difficult to adapt to getting up every day of the year, knowing you just made $5500.00 as soon as your feet hit the floor.

He will be fun to watch as he and his career progress.

The boy can hit the ball!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
The best hitter in the world isn't worth much when he's on the DL.

Major league players have more respect. 95 mph fastballs are the reason.

Bryce Harper is an interesting case study for me, particularly since I've had some experience with him on the baseball field, and one of my close friends is one of his coaches now on the Nationals.

He's done a fair number of things the wrong way, and it is due to immaturity. He's only 18 years old, so still an inexperienced kid in so many ways, and yes, I'd say occasionally a punk in some ways. But, he's also an exceptionally talented player, one that comes along very seldom. Due to his huge signing bonus (Remmeber, he was the #1 pick last year, going to the Washington Nationals and they signed him with a $10,000,000 bonus) As a result of that, he has a big bullseye on his chest, and at times he's handled it better than at others. My buddy tells me that he's actually a good kid, a very hard worker and supremely talented, with a bright future if he stays healthy. He's also learning to stand up for himself more often, and some teams he's played have gone out of their way to provoke him, so this incident may have had something to do with that, and we never saw what the pitcher may have done before he homered.

I'll close with a little personal story about him. We were playing in a large tournament in San Diego a couple summers ago, and Harper was playing for the Utah Marshalls. My buddy was coaching for me, as the MLB club he'd been coaching for had fired their manager and coaching staff, so he had the rest of the summer off as he was still under contract, so he came and coached for me the rest of the summer. We're in this game against Harper and his team, and he's playing with apathy, and just going through the motions. My pitcher (Kyle Porter, the CAL freshman who just pitched a great game against Baylor to help Cal move on to the NCAA Super Regionals) dominated Harper that day, with a strikeout, a weak groundout and a pop up. On the pop up to 3rd, Harper just walked slowly down the baseline after hitting it, and was only about 15 feet from home plate when the ball was caught. My buddy turned to me and said "That act ain't gonna play in pro ball". He meant the 'I'm Bryce Harper and you're not', no hustle act. Fate is a funny thing. My buddy gets hired by the Nationals a few months later, and they draft and sign Harper, so these two are now in the same organization, and my buddy is one of his coaches. Fate is a funny thing.

I won't go into the details, but he's told me some funny stories about the kid, and that he's learned a few lessons the hard way. But, in the end, they think he's growing up quickly and basically a good kid with a very bright future.

And no matter what we collectively think of him, he's got 10,000,000 reasons at 18 years old to not really care what we think.
You can't really tell we know if the pitcher said something to him? Maybe Harper was provoked? If that were the case, maybe he's not in the wrong.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I was there, in GJ, CO, at the JUCO World Series when he got tossed (I'm a perennial fan). It ended up possibly costing his team the championship, as he was not in the next game.

If my memory is right, is only supposed to be a HS Senior right now. I think that he dropped out after his Sophmore year, and then went to the Las Vegas JC, and was then drafted #1...right at a year ago.

He better grow up. But, he can sure smack the snot out of the ball. He was batting over .500 in the Juco World Series...I think.

John 14:6
>You can't really tell we
>know if the pitcher said
>something to him? Maybe Harper
>was provoked? If that were
>the case, maybe he's not
>in the wrong.
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

Everybody seems to be missing the back story. Apparently he had been hit the day before and the opposing dugout was all over him for taking too long to walk it off and calling him out for being a wuss. That continued into this game and so after the bomb he watched it go for a while and the pitcher started jawing at him as he was rounding third and thats what provoked the kiss.
I am no Bryce Harper fan but ESPN just got the story they wanted and ran with it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-11 AT 11:43AM (MST)[p]Grizzly,

The kid is a punk. I was in the stands at JUCO too when Harper got tossed for the second time in the tournament. Because of that he wasn't eligible to play in the next three games. His team lost the next game and the JUCO title because of Harpers immature act.
Being an ex Juco player myself, I can relate to the frustrations and emotions that come into play in the game. Its not like football where you can get jacked up and take out your aggression on the field. Baseball requires a clear level head and its hard to maintain that, BUT there is no excuse for the stunts that he pulls. I hope he gets his act together because he sure is fun to watch.

This is an old link, but shows all his pre-draft hype:

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
>AT 11:43?AM (MST)

>The kid is a punk.
>I was in the stands
>at JUCO too when Harper
>got tossed for the second
>time in the tournament.
> Because of that
>he wasn't eligible to play
>in the next three games.
> His team lost the
>next game and the JUCO
>title because of Harpers immature

I agree, like I said I am no supporter of his and find him distasteful but with the other team having already hit him and continuing to jaw at him indefinitely I cant say I blame him in this instance.
What I do blame him for is the stache and mullet. Come on dude, nobody is that good.

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