Play off football



Well lets get it going who believes the BCS should take a hike .. and let the players and teams determine a champion thru a play off system any thoughts or ideas either way and how would you set up the playoffs to determine the Champion
just like hoops 64 teams until the final four .the action would be intense the upsets would be epic and the cream would rise to the top.just a pipe dream for sure but i think it would be good .
Use the BCS formula to determine the final 4 or 8 teams. I would say 8. Then starting the week after conference championships play the playoffs. Having to wait for 6+ weeks like the Big 10 and Pac 10 do is a joke.
I agree the BCS should take a hike.. As you said.. Let the best teams battle it out. To bad it won't happen.

"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.
It won't happen for sure until the Pac 10 and Big 10 get rid of their ridiculous agreement for the Rose Bowl. The NCAA Pres is against it and until the Pres agrees it won't change. I think it will eventually happen but would speculate it is best case 5 years away. I think that is optimistic, probably closer to 10 years.

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