"PLAX" gets 2 years!!!!


WOW - 2 years in prison for shooting yourself in the leg! The Manhattan DA sure got what he wanted with this one! Sad because you know there are scumbag drug dealers in the same district who are guilty of more serious charges who routinely get off. But, Burress was in the limelight so he has to be made an example. Harsh sentence I think but he clearly broke the law. Not saying he should have gotten off scot free but I guarantee you I will be VERY careful to have all my firearms licensed if I ever have to move to NY or NJ!

Plax pleads guilty, agrees to 2 years in prisonAssociated Press

Updated: August 20, 2009, 10:54 AM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) - Former New York Giant Plaxico Burress pleaded guilty Thursday to a weapons charge and agreed to a two-year prison term for accidentally shooting himself at a Manhattan nightclub.

The ex-wide receiver pleaded guilty to one count of attempted criminal possession of a weapon, a lesser charge than he initially faced. Under a plea agreement, he agreed to a two-year prison sentence and two years of supervised release.

Burress was indicted earlier this month on two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and one count of reckless endangerment. He faced a minimum sentence of 3 1/2 years if convicted at a trial.

The guilty plea ends months of haggling between Burress' attorney and the Manhattan district attorney's office. The case went to a grand jury earlier this month after negotiations broke down, apparently because District Attorney Robert Morgenthau was insisting that Burress serve at least two years in prison.

Assistant District Attorney Mark Dwyer said it is standard policy to request a two-year sentence as part of a plea bargain on such serious charges. Sentencing was set for Sept. 22.

In a Manhattan state Supreme Court room on Thursday, the soft-spoken Burress, wearing a dark blue suit, first entered a not-guilty plea to the initial charges against him. After attorneys on both sides conferred, Burress said, "Guilty" to the new attempted weapons possession charge.

His attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said in court that the 31-year-old Burress was thinking of his family in taking the plea, although he questioned the recommended prison sentence.

"This was not an intentional criminal act," Brafman said. "In my judgment, a two-year prison sentence is a very severe punishment."

With time off for good behavior the sentence could be reduced to 20 months.

The football star and former teammate Antonio Pierce were at the Latin Quarter nightclub in late November when a gun tucked into Burress' waistband slipped down his leg and fired, shooting him in the right thigh. The bullet narrowly missed a nightclub security guard who was standing inches away, prosecutors said, lodged in the floor and was recovered by a bartender.

The gun was not licensed in New York or in New Jersey, where Burress lived, prosecutors said. His license to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Florida had expired in May 2008.

Prosecutors said Pierce drove Burress to a hospital, then took the gun to his own home in New Jersey where it was later delivered to Burress' home.

Pierce was not indicted. The grand jury also did not indict the nightclub security guard who carried the gun to Pierce's car or the hospital staff members who failed to notify police that Burress had been shot.

Burress, who caught the winning touchdown for the Giants over the New England Patriots in the final minute of the 2008 Super Bowl, also could face disciplinary action by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

The Giants released Burress in April and he has yet to sign with another team.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 09:28AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 09:28?AM (MST)

Seems darned harsh to me as well. DA office must be full of Patriots fans.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Seems pretty harsh to me to.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
He didn't get 2 years for shooting himself in the leg. He got two years for criminal possesion and endangerment.

I understand your sentiment regarding drug-dealers/gang-bangers/trouble-makers, and their respective sentences for what they've done. BUT , the fact is he was guilty and pled to it, so it really doesn't matter what other people's crimes you might compare it to. Tough for him (maybe), but it would have been tougher for the person who might have been accidentaly shot by that gun. By the luck of the draw it was HE who took the bullet, instead of an innocent bystander. Who the hell goes into a nightclub with a pistol stuck in their waste-band anyway???

It doesn't seem harsh to me at all.


The real "crime" is that someone is guilty for simply possessing a gun.

(He's obviously guilty of incompetence but he didn't hurt anyone else and was not ATTEMPTING OR THREATENING to hurt anyone.)

Something that should always be kept in mind: The people who make rules limiting gun ownership, possession or usage have people CARRYING GUNS to enforce their will on the rest of us.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Harsh, but I bet he does'nt shoot himself in the leg again :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Pretty interesting that when a gun law is enforced, some people are crying "foul" here.

This is the entire gun issue in a nutshell. A gun law is in effect, Plax broke it and is going to do the time. Simple.

If that could be carried out nationwide, my gun rights would not be under constant attack.

I wouldn't want to guess how many handguns are in nightclubs on a Friday night in this country......98% of which are in the possession of someone not legally allowed to carry, or own one.

I have zero sympathy for this "JADAN".....doing what they do best.
+1 Well stated Stanley..

As you pointed out.. He plead guilty so end of story.

Also he and Antonio Pierce were in a club together and he's packing heat?? I have a hard time understanding that one.

I think the biggest problem here is Mr. Burress suffers from a bad case of dumb ass.
Saying that total enforcement of all gun laws would ensure anything but the eventual confiscation of guns is naive. True, it is oft-repeated but is totally inaccurate.

Last Wednesday, in NYC, a man's shop was "robbed" by 3 armed men. During the confrontation, the store owner grabbed his UNREGISTERED AND ILLEGAL double-barreled shotgun and killed two of the intruders. The third ran off.

He has not been charged with any crime, nor should he be.

Demonizing the ownership or possession of a gun will not ensure future gun rights; quite the opposite. Common sense and justice must prevail.

I'm not a Plaxico Burris fan but it makes no more sense to put him in prison for 2 years than it would to enforce EXACTLY THE SAME LAW/PENALTY against the man who defended his family.

We should always enforce penalties (as stiff as we like) for someone using a gun for illicit violence. Burris was stupid and inept....make him take gun safety, make him perform community service, put him on probation, fine him....there are a lot of alternatives to putting a fool in prison at the rate of about $75,000/yr (total taxpayer cost). Again, justice and common sense need to have a place....not universal no-tolerance enforcement of anything; if we were to do that, the man in Brooklyn, who defended himself would have to be sent to jail for 2 years, as well.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I think the sentence is unjustified. He was not a felon, so why didn't he have the right to own a handgun? The rules in NYC are unconstitutional to begin with. If he didn't have a concealed carry permit, it seems that he was only guilty of carrying concealed. In its purest sense, I think forcing Americans to get a permit to "bear arms" is BS, since it is already a right guaranteed by the second amendment.

Plaxico is an idiot, but he only hurt himself.
So, then what you are saying is that "Joe Dirtbag" should be allowed to carry and conceal a handgun, regardless of his past history?

You don't think society in general, deserves to be protected from idiots?

Gangbangers nationwide will surely praise your opinion.

You are also saying that there should be NO regulation as to where a person can or cannot be in possession of a handgun?

Even in 1865, Dodge City, felt the need to prohibit carrying guns in town.......you disagree with that also?

And lastly, even though I consider New York's gun laws to be "bad laws", the shop owner who violated those laws is in deep doo-doo. I seriously doubt that the local DA will let that slide.
Plax is a dumbazz but 2 years...Cmon. Give him probation, education, 30 days, whatever, but not 2 years. At least half, probably more of us MMers carry a handgun into the field shed hunting, archery hunting, in our trucks, wherever just because of a mountain lion, bear, or rattlesnake might eat us. A NYC nightclub is WAY more dangerous than our little square boxes and clean lives we live. I'm not justifying what he did, and it's unfortunate you cant get these guys out of their hood rat mentality, but I can understand packing heat for his own protection. The part I can't understand is, he's a millionare, he can't afford a bodygaurd?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-09 AT 04:16PM (MST)[p]OK guys humor me for a minute. Lets say that he did not shoot himself that night. Instead he went into the nightclub had some drinks and then got into an altercation with someone. Prolly something stupid because they had been drinking.

Plexxy pulls out a gun and shoots someone.... Now he goes to court on the issue. The public would be pissed off because he was packing heat. AN INNOCENT PERSON GOT SHOT,,,RIGHT????

This is why we have laws in place is to prevent people from doing stupit skit. If you feel you need a gun to go to a night club you prolly should not be there.

People want to cry foul on his sentence???? What really could have happened later that night. There is no excuse for making bad decisions and if you do you pay a price.

Last tought,, I love my guns and freedom more than anyone but you have to respect the laws in place. Gun laws have been around for a long damn time. They are here to protect us.
>This is why we have laws in place is to prevent people from >doing stupit skit. If you feel you need a gun to go to a night >club you prolly should not be there.

Night club, taco bell, walmart. Who knows where something terrible is going to happen.

Try this sceniro!

Plexy is at a night club when an asailant walks in and begins executing innocent people. Buress pulls his firearm and puts a lead pill between the villans eyes. Many innocent people are spared!

My point is.....there should not be laws in any state preventing law abiding citizens from protecting their self and others from psycotic scum bags.

A guy blows up an airplane with 250 innocent people onboard and walks free whilst buress serves time for a petty crime. Our judicial system is screwed up!!!!
How about we just say that it was Mr upright, family man, and big buck hunter, that packed into that place because, for whatever reason, he didn't feel comfortable going in for his co-workers bachelor party without packing.

The gun goes off in his pocket and he gets a FELONY, no more hunting with firearms, AND 2 freakin YEARS in PRISON??

...or is it because this guy is a big name Black football player?

If this were the law of the land, there would be THOUSANDS of otherwise honest, respectful, good intentioned gun carrying people sent to PRISON every month!

I must be missing something here. Help me out on this!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-09 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-09 AT 08:02?PM (MST)

OK Joey I do respect your opinion. It is easy to turn the story into whatever situation you want. The point is he broke the law.

Now if he had a permit and I do not agree with having a gun in a bar. It would be a whole different story. However at the end of the day I do think he got what was coming.

How many other times did he carry and get away with it.

How many time does a guy drive drunk before he finally get caught???

Follow the laws and you will be fine. Remember He plead Guilty Folks.

One more thing guys and gals. I know you all want to protect your freedom to bear arms and I do to. On this web sight I think everyone is partial to gun rights.

That being said sit back and think about the situation.

OJ Simpson got off and every red neck white person was outraged right???

Don't let this decision get in the way of reasonable judgement. Again I think he got what was deserved. Look at the magnitude of the situation. Pro or not. A simple man working his butt off would have been left to hang a-lot worse.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-09 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-09 AT 08:17?PM (MST)

Rugarm, i do respect your opinion also.

I also do not care for laws that restrict otherwise law abiding citizens from bearing, carrying, or using firearms in any way.

People break laws everywhere, every single day including some of the many police officers that i have known. Is "the law" only for certain people?

I could go on and on but my point is yes, so he broke the law, unconstitutional but it's the law, but 2 years in prison? I've only been to jail overnight in my day but can not imagine, TWO YEARS IN PRISON...

"Remember He plead Guilty Folks." What choice did he have? Who is it that has a sig; Don't blame the player...blame the game.

I understand both sides and like I said in my original post - yes he broke the law. But in this case - the DA made an example of him and while I don't know how other comparable offenses are punished in that jurisdiction, 2 years is a long time for "attempted criminal possesion" for an incident that was clearly accidental and he was first time offender. And I don't think the law is at fault here either - while I don't have the statistics readily available to analyze its effectiveness, it seems like a very reasonable statute. However I think the problem lies in the application of the law in this particular instance. The prosecution against Buress seemed malicious from the beginning. The DA "guaranteed" a week after the incident that he would see prison time and he made good on it. While I am normally appalled that most celebrity crimes go unpunished, it just seems to me that this was a little heavy-handed punishment for an act of downright stupidity. Tucking a .40 cal in the waistband of a pair of sweat pants and shooting yourself in the leg should be punishment enough!! ;-) But the demands of justice must be met in the end he pled guilty and accepted responsibility. He will be nearly 35 before he ever plays in the NFL again. In essence, he's done - and all because he was very stupid.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I really don't want to pick a fight, but this isn't quite as "agree-to-disagree" as is easy to accept.

Plaxico broke the law....as my previous post said, do something to him. Maybe we should help get the law (mandatory prison) changed; certainly the punishment is absurd. Prison is not the logical punishment. I don't REALLY care about Burris; (I'm a Bears fan.)

I do care about demonizing guns and the possession of them. I care about (particularly THIS group) being so accepting of prison as being proper for someone who merely had a gun; his intent was NOT threatening. At least 80% of the people on this site have had a gun under their seat or under a coat inside their car. They've broken the same laws just in another jurisdiction. Should they be in prison?

We should be very unhappy that ANY government entity believes it has the right to infringe on our ability to defend ourselves....yes, it was WRONG when Wyatt Earp did it, too. We should recognize how far the negative attitude toward guns has gone, which is demonstrated by how many gun owners think it is OK to send someone to prison for stupidity, as long as he had a gun while being stupid. He didn't brandish it or threaten anyone. He dropped it!

I'm not advocating the breaking of laws....although many laws are wrong and should be changed. This is one of them. We are citizens, not subjects.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
>I really don't want to pick
>a fight, but this isn't
>quite as "agree-to-disagree" as is
>easy to accept.
>Plaxico broke the law....as my previous
>post said, do something to
>him. Maybe we should
>help get the law (mandatory
>prison) changed; certainly the punishment
>is absurd. Prison is
>not the logical punishment.
>I don't REALLY care about
>Burris; (I'm a Bears fan.)
>I do care about demonizing guns
>and the possession of them.
> I care about (particularly
>THIS group) being so accepting
>of prison as being proper
>for someone who merely had
>a gun; his intent was
>NOT threatening. At least
>80% of the people on
>this site have had a
>gun under their seat or
>under a coat inside their
>car. They've broken the
>same laws just in another
>jurisdiction. Should they be
>in prison?
>We should be very unhappy that
>ANY government entity believes it
>has the right to infringe
>on our ability to defend
>ourselves....yes, it was WRONG when
>Wyatt Earp did it, too.
> We should recognize how
>far the negative attitude toward
>guns has gone, which is
>demonstrated by how many gun
>owners think it is OK
>to send someone to prison
>for stupidity, as long as
>he had a gun while
>being stupid. He didn't
>brandish it or threaten anyone.
> He dropped it!
>I'm not advocating the breaking of
>laws....although many laws are wrong
>and should be changed.
>This is one of them.
> We are citizens, not
>Within the shadows, go quietly.

Good luck with this, most on here still belive that sending their $35 to the NRA(hucktoo) is all that is needed. Sheeple

"If it moves shoot it again"


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