Plateau Antelope, Anyone?

Clyde Hollinger

Active Member
Any of you guys have a rifle tag down on the Plateau this year? How was it? I have a muzzy tag, headed down tomorrow. Haven't been back down there for a month, wondering if anyone can give me a little insight as to what you saw, what got killed and which end was better, North or South? I've scouted the North end, but haven't been down to the South end this year. Thanks in advance!
Also have the muzzleloader tag, not headed down until Thursday. 3 guys from work had rifle tags. Said there was a lot of goats killed opening weekend. Three years ago when I had the tag the antelope didn't settle back down until Tuesday Wednesday of the second week of the muzzleloader hunt. Rifle guys get them pretty worked up.

Good luck
I had the muzzy tag last year. Super fun, but super tough hunt! Here's a link to the post I made regarding my hunt:

You will see antelope, but don't expect to drive up to anything. Having already been hunted by the archery and rifle guys, they will have you pegged, and probably already running before you even see them. Use the terrain and the wind to your advantage and be patient and you will find success. I shot mine a few miles to the East of Posey lake but saw heards all round that area and south towards Pollywog and Antelope springs. Have fun, and good luck! Let us know how it all ends up going.
Thanks Wasatch! I'm sitting in camp checking out Google Earth as we speak! Only saw about 25 head this evening, 4 small bucks. Covered a ton of ground. That's a great buck you ended up with! Thanks again for the help and info!


Went down Friday morning and shot this buck around noon on Saturday. Still a fun hunt and a great one to take kids on.
It was fun, but HOT and DUSTY! Chased a good one opening day, missed him seven times. Got in on him 5 different times, hiked my butt off. Couldn't figure out what was going on, one shot would fly high, one would go high left. So I went back to camp and did some re-sighting in, found I was about 3 feet high and 2 feet left. I couldn't get my bullets to pull in, so I switched bullets and tightened it up a bit.
The next day we were able to get in on another small group, they had an average buck in the bunch. I had 3 of my kids with me, including my 6 y/o daughter who was on her first big game hunt. They made the stalk with me into 98 yards and I was able to get a bullet into him.
This hunt was never really about size or inches for me, (although a big goat would have been nice), but rather having my kids with me the whole time and making memories. They'll remember this and talk about this for years! I gotta thank my brother for being there as well to help me spot and clean him up. I also had my Dad (nebo12000) and brother there with me opening day, but, they had to leave that night. I was really hoping to get one while everyone was there. Just wasn't in the cards.
Thanks again Wasatch for your input and help! It was very much appreciated!

Nice job guys! Those are both great goats! I agree that the plateau unit is a great unit to hunt with kids. That's awesome that both of you were able to have your kids along on a successful hunt!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-15 AT 04:55PM (MST)[p]Great goat elkster, congratulations! (You too, armybrat!)

I imagine the experience was maddening, but having your kids there to see you miss repeatedly, assess the the cause of the failure, fix it, and then succeed was a great practical lesson that will stick with them--whether they realize it or not. Well done, dad.

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