planet x



if any of you are astronomy buffs, i found some info on planet x and if you have any knowledge or info. please post it here. look into it if you have never heard of it. makes you wonder what could be out there!
>makes you wonder what could
>be out there!

If you calculate the mass of all visible objects in a galaxy, and then compute the amount of mass it would take to hold the galaxy together via gravity as it spins, you find out that all observed objects only account for 1/5th of the expected total mass! Think of all those photographs from hubble, ground telescopes etc etc... hundreds of thousands of galaxys photographed and yet you are only seeing 1/5th of whats actually there.

Yes, alot of people wonder what else could be out there.


That reminds me of last Novemeber. Work took me down to Southern Utah. I was about 20-30 miles to the Northeast of St. George in the middle of nowhere. It was early in the morning and the sky was pitch black. I have never seen so many meteors in the outdoors. I assume a lot of it had to do with being so far away from city lights but there must of been a meteor shower going on in addition to my added vieiwing ability. It was really spectacular.

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