


Ok! Here is the deal. I'm sneaking up on 60 years old. I haven't worn jammies since my favorite TV show was Howdy Doodie and they had feet in them that looked like bunnies. All my life I been fine with boxers and a T-shirt. Anyways for fathers day my sweet little bride of almost 40 years buy?s me pajamas? I say WTF??? She says when we have company you are grossing everybody out. I'm like? well then tell them to get a motel. It's my house right? Anyways question of the day!!!

Anybody on here wear Pajamas?


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Only when I go to Wal-Mart.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Commando here. If you could have seen the look on my mother-in-laws face the first time she spent the nite. Funny thing is now she comes over at least 6 times a year for a week each time. For the life of me I can't figure out why.
Strange woman Linda is.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I don't wear them.. When it gets cold I wear sweat pants, when it's warm I go commando, makes the visits from Jehova's Witnesses interesting..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
i wear a pair of shorts if somebody is at my house. other then a visitor i wear a t shirt and underwear
I wear my Karate pants and a tee shirt or sweat jacket around the house, but to bed it is back to the birthday suit....no one has any business in my bedroom unless I invite them in...LOL

Boy I'm glad I dont know what most of you look like (being a visual person)... and no I'm not telling what Pjs I wear ... but I can tell ya what 45 wears hehehehe... better not he has a Taser !!!
Buck naked, no ones ever stayed two nights and the door bell hardly ever rings anymore. People just don't seem as social as they once were. I've wondered if it's something I've said.

Are they slick or thick Slick?

>Anybody on here wear Pajamas?

Not my own.

come on fireball, share. We all know 1911 wears spiderman footies but how about you?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-11 AT 07:27AM (MST)[p]I nearly always wear underwear when I sleep. Completely naked just doesn't work well for me. Its hard to sleep with an anaconda loose in the bed.
>I nearly always where underwear when
>I sleep. Completely naked just
>doesn't work well for me.
>Its hard to sleep with
>an anaconda loose in the

JB says it is wear, not where.

This whole thread is starting to creep me out just a little. It is like reading penthouse only there are no naked women. Just men. Last time I was this disturbed was when bobbieutah was on a jammie rant. I'm not sure what inspired slick to want to know what other dudes sleep in. It should be a don't ask don't tell situation. Sigmund would have much to say about this and what it means about the slow hunting season. :eek:
I would get nuked if I told ya, But I will post some of my favs so it's not so GAY in here!!! ( the Pjs not the ugly chicks )

>>Anybody on here wear Pajamas?
>Not my own.
>come on fireball, share. We all
>know 1911 wears spiderman footies
>but how about you?

OK these are mine .... Don't laugh they are super comfy !!!;)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-11 AT 06:39PM (MST)[p]A little too much time explaining your posts fireball & the spiderman jammies.. looks like spidie has junk in his purse. might have to compell 1-911 to just blow this whole thread away.

That last post makes me think you girls took the pillow fight a little too far.

Later... got to go put my PJ's on.

"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

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