
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-08 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p]Ok gotta hear what you want on a pizza?

What should never be on one?

I'm from the meat lovers school, mushrooms are fine,but NO green peppers!

Edit-throw in the name of the place that makes it the way you like it.

OH JB - you don't know what your missing!

OK - here is a great pizza:

Real canadian bacon, sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, double - no triple cheese and pineapple. MMMMM

Here's two more favorites:

BBQ Chicken, jalape?os, bbq sauce, double cheese, pineapple, cilantro,

Buffalo chicken, double cheese, dip it in ranch or blue cheese dressing!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm with tag, no green peppers. Sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives.

As a side note, I was in ABQ last week and ordered a pizza from a place called Marios, ordered the Giant size. I swear the thing was 36 inches across. Biggest pie I've ever seen. I'll be there next week, if we order another I'll snap a pic and post it.
Chicken should be eaten off the bone.never on a pizza!!! lol. But agreed on the EXTRA cheese!

I do a custom one...Get a white sauce cheese pizza from the take n bake and then add Abalone. mmmmmmmm
I gotta tell ya Round Table Pizza is the BEST!!! I like the all meat marvel (pep, salami, burger, sausage, linguisa) with extra cheese and a side of jalapenos.That my friends is a GOOD PIZZA.
Ya also need a pitcher of BUD to wash it all down.
Must be at your union meeting to have that I would guess??

JB, what's wrong with having Pineapple on your Pizza? Get the Hawaiian at Round Table, it's great.

Hard, now that combo really sounds good but I wouwld have to say that it would have to be a "home special" because on the Ab's.....

I'm on Atkin's... No Pizza or beer for me, thanks. I've lost 50 lbs in 3 months with 100 lbs to go by buck season.

Don't know that i'll reach my goal but have lot's to do this year and i look forward to all this snow, 5 feet on the flats, going away so the work will help with the weight loss.

If and when i do get a pizza pie, mushroom, olives, sausage and peperoni is great. Beef and onion, i also crave at times. Absolutly NO GREEN PEPPERS will be tolerated or accepted. They overpower all the good tasting stuff.
No pizza parlors out here in the BFE region.
So its Red Barron or make my own, I still am having a difficult time making a good crust so any advise would be appreciated :9
Try the Old Ephriam at Bear Lake Pizza in Garden City Utah next time you are there. It is freaking awesome! I haven't met many pizzas I didn't like. On an unrelated note, I think my wife is doing our laundry on hot because it is making all my jeans shrink.

>"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot
> Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)


"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Sageadvice - a big congrats on the weight loss and hope you reach your ultimate goal.

As for pizza - no onion or pepers AND ABSOLUTELY NO MUSHROOMS. Black olives, pineapple, and just about any kind of meat is good.
Bar-B-Que Chicken is my favorite. With sundried tomatoes.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"

+2, but with pineapple & extra cheese.

Papa Johns is pretty good, maybe because I don't get it very often.
The Brick Oven in Provo makes a good pizza.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-08 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]>No pizza parlors out here in
>the BFE region.
>So its Red Barron or make
>my own, I still am
>having a difficult time making
>a good crust so any
>advise would be appreciated :9

The crust recipe I like the best is the one that came with my bread machine.

1 tsp yeast
3 1/2 c. bread flour
1 Tbsp powdered milk
1 3/4 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
11 3/4 oz water

Throw it all in the bread machine on dough setting & that's it.
I'm cool w/meat lovers too but keep the green peppers and black olives OFF my pizza. I also hate pineapples too. Bleech. Nothing weird on my pizza like anchovies either. i am going to be up to bear lake this week end i will try the old ephram on your advice! minus green peppers if they come on it!

I alsp like to get some HOT wings with the bleu cheese dressing.....thats a dang, wings and a beer( root beer for some of ya)

Yup, sausage is her favorite meat :)

Why no comment TTK ?
I know you've read this & no comment is like agreeing -)

ain't that true Rack ?
The Homestead Pizza parlor in Silverton Oregon has the BEST pizza around. Full house:

side of tomatoes

Another great place is the bar/resturant in Imnaha Oregon on the snake river. We eat there every year before we make our pack trip into the snake...


I just got home from our Car Club meeting at Round Table Pizza, guess what kind of Pizza I had?? Hawaiian with Pineapple and ham on it, great tasting too.

The best pizza is The Works (Pepperoni, Sausage, Gr. Beef, Bacon, Can. Bacon, Ham, Mushrooms, Onions,Black Olives, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Mild Peppers, Jalape?os, Pineapple)

all toppings piled high.

For those in Arizona this is the garage pub and pizza in Gold canyon.

Best pizza ever and I mean EVER

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