Pitbulls break into house and maul disable woman



Dogs break into house, maul disabled woman in bed
Two pit bulls forced their way into a house and mauled a disabled woman while she was lying in bed, according to local media reports.

"Bloodied with wounds that would later require hospitalization, she fired a gun at the dogs -- missing -- and fought her way to a car parked in her Gig Harbor driveway to wait for rescue," police tell the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

The (Tacoma, Wash.) News Tribune reports that the dogs appear came from a neighbor's yard and appear to have entered the woman's house through a pet door. The paper says she suffered "severe injuries" in the attack. KING-TV says 59-year-old Sue Ann Gorman's house is "blood splattered."

?It's probably the worst mauling our guys have ever seen,? Pierce County Sheriff?s Department spokesman Ed Troyer tells the Tacoma paper.

The dogs killed a another neighbor's Jack Russell terrier when he entered the house during the commotion.

?We never saw it coming," Zach Martin says. He owns one of the pit bulls and was watching the other one at the time of the attack. "They?re the kinds of dogs you'd let play with your babies.?

KING-TV has footage from its interview with Martin.

Officials say both pit bulls were turned over to the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County. They are likely to be killed.

"If you have one that's well bred, they can be an absolutely amazing companion animal," Brenda Barnette, head of the Humane Society in Seattle, tells the Post-Intelligencer. "If you get one that's of questionable breeding, or maybe of a fighting background, it can be a dangerous weapon."

This story reminds us of George, the heroic Jack Russell terrier who was killed while protecting a group of children from two pit bulls. (Related postings: Update on George the heroic Jack Russell |Song dedicated to small dog that died saving children)
This is where we get into a discussion about what awesome pets they make, that are the most gentle dog they've ever owned. Fallowed with replies of what kind of idiots would want dogs that are bread to fight, maul & otherwise menace/intimidate others.
"Too bad Vick wasn't passed out in that bed."

Yeah, I can like that thought.

My wife and I were house shopping many years ago and were looking at this place that had a half-pit bull dog. The damn thing immediately started to jump up and "playfully" snap at my then 9 yr. old boy. The owner was kind of laughing, saying something like "boy, the dog sure seems to like you." After asking the owner to leash the thing twice while we were there and getting nowhere, I calmly advised the owner that if that thing put so much as a scratch on my boy, I'd kill that "effing SOB." He grabbed the dog by the collar and suggest we leave, which we did.
>This is where we get into
>a discussion about what awesome
>pets they make, that are
>the most gentle dog they've
>ever owned. Fallowed with replies
>of what kind of idiots
>would want dogs that are
>bread to fight, maul &
>otherwise menace/intimidate others.

Been there done that more than once on this board... My opinion is being kept to myself this go round.

"What I could do, I was doing, and that was simply putting my butt on the line for my country, the country that I loved, so that all the protestors and the academics and the liberal intelligentsia back home could enjoy the right to protest against people like me, the hated middleclass." --Gary R. Smith, US Special Forces
last pit encounter WE HAD left a pit bulls left a clean cut tail in the drive way and a trail of blood leading back to where he came from.....
I told the cops next time I use my shot gun.... instead of my bow..told the owner I will beat him til he bleeds if that dog charges family, friends or my labs (my big chocolate kicked its ass a few years ago! so theirs history!).
hate them all!
>"They?re the kinds of
>dogs you'd let play with
>your babies.?

Uhhh.. sorry - not my babies, EVER. I don't care what breeding they have or bloodlines or training. I am sure you can make an argument that they are great dogs for adults who can control them, but not around babies or children. I agree with what you said

About a year or so ago I was running in the local park and some guy was walking a malamute / pit bull cross in the park without a leash. It was real eary in the morning so I guess he thought no one would be there. The dog was so far ahead of the guy I thought it was alone at first. I was running laps around this field and it came running towards me. The guy called him back and he went to him but he didn't leash him. He then let the thing come up real close to me, almost running beside me. I told him that if he bit me I would kill him - well he didn't like that at all, but he finally put the thing on a leash and left the park.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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