pistol accuracy


Long Time Member
I got a springfield xdm 40. I'm a beginner pistol shooter at best, the best groups I can get at 20 yds is 5 shots in about a 6 inch group. Is that the best I can expect? or should the gun be able to do smaller groups? I haven't shot with someone experienced enough to do better than that yet. What's your experience?

I'm beginner at best....

juster..it is all in the wrists and trigger pull has to be smooth. Stay locked up on those wrists..could be the pistol.. could be you..Sometimes factory set trigger pulls just will not let you group much better especially if the pistol is new and not worn in a little. I do not have your setup but I am just giving you something to help.. no matter what brand pistol you are shooting...

To tighten groups you just need to put your time in target shooting. Lots of variables, type of bullets used, factory or reloads etc. Your grouping of 6 inches is good and a lot of guys would be happy with that grouping.
Try switching ammo brands and bullets to see what shoots best if you haven't already done that.

Have fun shoot'n...

Hopefully you will get a reply from someone that shoots that specific pistol.

The pistol is new with about 50 shots through it. I have shot ny dads smith and wesson 9mm a bit and his 357 mag revolver. My father in laws glock 40 also. All rounds totalling about 200-250... I love the gun, its really smooth and very little recoil. I'm just wondering if 6 inch groups are the norm or if 1 inch groups are possible? Pistols are really new to me.

justr, if you're aiming your pistol you're doing it all wrong.:) I shoot mine the same way Clint Eastwwod does. Clear leather and point! It's a lot more fun that way. But then most of my pistols are western style single action revolvers.

I would post the accuracy I get with mine at 100 yards but I guarantee the butt heads on here would rip me a new one. Lets just say i've bought the mill and them some when it comes to pistols. I sold all of them when I came across the pistol I have had for the last 2 years.

Its an FNH Five Seven. Its a 5.7x28 mm pistol. 32 grain vmax bullets at 2400 fps. If you reload you can get them up to 2800 fps. Its amazingly accurate and its ability to consistently kill jack rabbits over 150 yards blows me away. If you ever want one bad arse pistol look into it.
Sand bag that sucker. Take all the operator error out of it that you can. If it still won't shoot great for you, maybe that's all it has.

I have a couple pistols that will keep them inside a copenhagen can out to about 50 yds if i do my part. A really good shooting pistol-revolver is a wonderful thing. i don't think i'd keep one that i couldn't get to shoot well or that liked to either jam or misfire.

I love the pistol, 6 inch groups will do for what I bought it for, self defense. The reason I went with the xdm if for the match grade barrel for increase accuracy. I will try sandbagging it to prove its just me. So hitting a copenhagen can all shots isn't out of the question for it? if I can do it....

I need to go shooting with someone that knows how to shoot a pistol to give me some pointers!

>justr, if you're aiming your pistol
>you're doing it all wrong.:)
>I shoot mine the same
>way Clint Eastwwod does. Clear
>leather and point! It's a
>lot more fun that way.
>But then most of my
>pistols are western style single
>action revolvers.

I'm not that comfortable with it yet, I'd shoot myself in the foot!

justr asked, "So hitting a copenhagen can all shots isn't out of the question for it? if I can do it.... "

I'm not familiar with your particular weapon but as you say it has a match grade barrel so yes i'd believe a Cope can sized group, certainly at 20yds, would not be asking too much. Try it rock steady rested in on those bags. Really makes a big difference and once you're more familiar with your weapon, trigger control being key, your off hand groups should start shrinking down.

Good luck with it!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]Got a friend that only shoots top quality anything. Nothing wrong with that he has never had a gun malfunction or let him down, but i talked him into just shoting my hi point 380 acp. Its the 2010 model where they fixed the trigger, fixed the action, etc. I like it alot better than the previous models. The gun is one heavy SOB, but like most anyone on here will tell you, its not the gun per say, its what you shoot well. I shot his Kahr and couldn't hit anything with it, but pulled out my 380 and shot a nice group quickly. I love my hi point, and i practice quite a bit, i shot rabbits with it a few weekends ago and was more than pleased at its accuracy out to 80 yards. Fact is, I know my gun, it likes my hand and my hand fits perfect. Its heavy and there is no recoil ( I know, its a girl gun)

But i bought it incase a bear attacks me.... you know something i can shoot myself with before the bear rips me apart. lol

good luck tightening your groups and learning your gun.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Actually, for a beginner, it could be worse (really).

The accuracy WILL improve. I can actually hit 6-inch targets 5 out of 6 at 75 yards and can put a 16-shot clip (different gun) inside 3 inches at 7 yards.....took a couple of decades but it will come.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
If you were to put that pistol in a machine rest, take all human error out of it, I suspect it would put 5 shots in a 2 inch group at 20 yards.

Shooting a handgun accurately is a skill that takes time to master.

Practice, practice, practice........

You say you only have 50 rounds through it ?

You should see some noticeable improvements in accuracy after a few thousand rounds.
First, . . . Get a real gun

Second, you already know who the best shot in the basin is. . . Ask him to go, you know he will.

Third, shoot it . . . . . . . . A lot, just like you do with your bow

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>First, . . . Get a
>real gun
>Second, you already know who the
>best shot in the basin
>is. . . Ask him
>to go, you know he
>Third, shoot it . . .
>. . . . .
>A lot, just like you
>do with your bow
>I'll tell you who it was
>. . . it was
>that D@MN Sasquatch!

HaHA this post might be better if you knew what you were talking about!

justr, I think it's just like everything else in life dude, you wanna get better you just gotta practice. I'll bet you'll be pretty damn accurate by the time you shoot the barrel out of it!! Git to work man lol

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
You can't argue the points I made though, even if they are obvious

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Pretty much don't know of any dirtbags that are smaller than 5 inches at 20 yards.

You are OK, for a new shooter, but if you want to improve... PRACTICE is the key....as has been said.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I can shoot sub 1/2 inch groups all day long at almost any distance with my Glock 23 in 40 cal.
Of course those are just one shot groups.
Got a Friend that has damn near shot himself in the foot several times after buying the Auto!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Justr... dont be to proud to take a defensive pistol shooting course. Usually pretty affordable and your technique will improve ten fold. Just like training a bird dog, its alot easier to start out doing it right.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>oOo I was wondering about that?
>Thanks for clarifying bean! :)

Well, you do have a known history of injury. And, you are from Utah...;)
Lol elkhunter66, maybe you can teach me something too, just try to talk him into a 6 shooter when you take him.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>Lol elkhunter66, maybe you can teach
>me something too, just try
>to talk him into a
>6 shooter when you take
>I'll tell you who it was
>. . . it was
>that D@MN Sasquatch!

I will get a 6 shooter soon enough. For self defense I'd rather go into a fight (if ever, hopefully never) with 16 rather than 6 with another 16 that all I gotta do is change clips!

I will get to the range as often as possible, thanks for all the suggestions!

For what its worth, I had an older style XD .40 in the 4" model and I could not group at all with it. I sold the XD and bought a Glock 23, same size and caliber and now I can group awesome. I blame the gun on this one, or maybe I just shoot the Glock better??????

I've shot a friend's XDm in 9mm and a XD in 40 cal, and I shoot better groups with them than I do with my own pistol. Good shooters.
6 inch group at 20 yards is pretty good to start with for a short barrel auto pistol . If your wanting a self defense pistol and to be profecient with the pistol your heading in the right direction if your shooting out to 20 yards .

From statistics most gun fights or acts of self defense are from 3-15 yards . I would practice out to 25 yards , and with that practice the up close stuff becomes even easier .

One thing you can practice is trigger reset . On my Glocks it made a world of difference shooting after I practiced aand manipulated my trigger reset . Its kind of hard to explain in writting how you practice the trigger reset , but I'm sure you could find some videos on line .

Aim small , miss small .

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