Pink Slime


Long Time Member
Google it. Beef Products Inc (BPI) uses slaughterhouse floor trimmings treated with ammonia to kill the pathogens and it is added to 70 % of beef patties in the US.
I am going to have my deer for dinner tonite!
The human body naturally produces ammonia every day.
Ammonia naturally enters and leaves your body every day.
Ammonia is essential for maintaining the acid-base balance in your body and so keeps you healthy.
Ammonia is a critical element in the transition of Nitrogen from N2 to N1. Nitrogen in the form of N1 is an essential element for life.
Ammonia has been used for many years as a processing aid in thousands of food and beverage products.
Ammonia is present in foods. Ammonia in peanut butter (489 ppm), American cheese (813 ppm), and domestic blue cheese (1,376 ppm). The typical ammonia aroma of Brie and Camembert cheeses indicates higher levels of ammonia.
Meat that has been pH enhanced with ammonium hydroxide is a natural addition to the wide range of consumer food products that include ammonia in their processing. Of all the foods that contain ammonium hydroxide, these meats have levels lower than other foods including the before mentioned American cheese, domestic blue cheese, peanut butter and gourmet brie and camembert cheeses.
Meat that has been pH enhanced has been validated to produce significant reductions in microbial counts compared to non-enhanced meat.
As with EVERY substance, the amount (i.e., the dose) determines whether the substance has a beneficial or potentially harmful effect.1
Sounds like hollywood was sensationalizing that whole thing a little bit eh?

Not saying that we could all probably eat healthier, but Jamie Oliver needs viewers, so this is a great way to get people talking.

Thanks for that info.
I thought a little slime on the pink was a good thing??[/IMG] ~Z~
thats why i only eat an ocasional ribeye from the butcher. meat is full of sheet......elk, and whitetail burger...mmmmmmmm :)
"Ammonia has been used for many years as a processing aid in thousands of food and beverage products."

Thats the problem!!! Why do we need to process any of our food? Do you wonder why we have so many health problems? Cancers? It's pretty simple! Don't eat "food Products" eat real food.

Traditional >>>------->
I buy 1/2 a beef and a pig from our hay supplier every year or so. You wouldn't believe how much money you save doing that. Not to mention, you don't need to worry about additives ..

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