

Long Time Member
Took my wife on a date yesterday and heres a few pictures of what we found.









Sweet photos man! It must be nice living so close to all of that amazing wildlife.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]Thanks man, its not very close though! Its about an 1.5 hour drive to get to any animals! I love that place though so we make it down quite a bit!

My wife is getting really good with her camera!

Nice Job on the Dog there justr!

You entered at Stewarts yet?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
Don't know that it's anything to do with sfw?(I'm not sure?)

Thought elkun(RMEF) was putting it on? But I don't know for sure?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
I believe its an SFW deal. The other organizations might have a part in it but its SFW's deal.

I kill coyotes because I like to, I dont really like the competitions, although I have won some stuff from them. I think you get alot of people out educating dogs which makes it harder for the rest of us. Thats just my humble opinion.

I hear ya justr!

Just glad you nailed that Dog!

I kinda pulled one off the other day!

Still ended up educating 1 out of 4!

Felt perty good to get 3 out of the 4 in one stand!

I never shot my new Varmit gun till this year!

It's got 4 notches on it now,but that Dog that got away hurts!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
I love coyote hunting! Its addicting! Theres always gonna be the one that got away! I had one yesterday too out of the truck, He had been educated already but I was close enough he sure did turn hard and fast! I think I took hair off!!! Seen him from the road so ya gotta try! The local deer herd was appreciative, that nice buck stood 50 yards out the window of the truck and let me look at him just after I killed the yote!

Maybe if people/DWR would open their eyes they'd know what is happening to alot of Our Deer?

Was out in the Koch Field and the Coyotes are on a killing spree!

Seen one on Tribal Ground I should'of shot,but got to thinkin it wasn't worth Federal Court!

This Winter is gonna knock more Game down than We've gained the last couple of years!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
Nice date for sure. I wish that type of a date would put someone else besides me in the mood in my house. Good job on gett'n the dog and cool pics.
I tried a coyote on indian land when I was a teenager. Sure do miss that gun!

Turns out I wasnt on indian, so my dad got my gun back but it really woulda sucked! They couldnt prove I was on indian, so they took my gun, bullets and wanted my truck but didnt get it. My dad walked in the next day with a map and showed them I wasnt on indian and they gave my stuff back, minus some bullets!

Only thing I saw that po'ed me was that retards used the SCHOOL SIGN FOR TARGET PRACTICE in that first picture.

>Only thing I saw that po'ed
>me was that retards used
>PRACTICE in that first picture.

Someone stole that school sign and hauled it and hour and a half away and stuck it by a abandoned cabin. Not sure when the target practice came in..

Post the pic of that old bull. He is a cool find

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Come on justr!

Quit Whoreding the good stuff/pics!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
Oh, and that pic makes you look fat. . . Lol

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>Oh, and that pic makes you
>look fat. . . Lol
>I'll tell you who it was
>. . . it was
>that D@MN Sasquatch!

GOOD! Anything that helps!


I dont know if this is an old bull or just the fat kid? huge belly swayed back and when he turned his head it was huge! He is a raggedy 5 point bull, nice 3rds though.

Whats your opinion?

Looks like Deer Horns!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]LOL didnt think of that! I'm confused on this bull... Young up and comer or old and gonna find him dead of old age?

I know the bull up top is a damn fine up and comer. He is gonna be somethin in the next year or 2 or 3. He has/had great thirds, good brows and nice swords I wish his tops were better though but that should come with age?

+1 bessy I thought the same w/ deer horns. I am calling him on old digressed bull, Cool Rare find in my book. Good on ya

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!

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