Picture Quiz.....


Anyone want to try and guess what these pictures are of and called? I am thinking maybe Ransom might know, but then too he might not be that sharp either...LOL




That's a piece of the flagpole from Gettysburg and the cannon round fired into it on day one of the Battle of Gettsburg by the 12th Alabama Artillery. Had the round not missed it's mark General Grant would have been killed and the war won.

That's either a neat story or a great B.S. story...so which is it Kilo?? According to the cigar box that ain't big enough to be a 12 pounder..
My guess is the fossilized eyeball of the prehistoric Giant Tyrannosaurus Tortoise.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I am still waiting to hear what that dial sprocket ninyeah thing was?

Once everyone is done guessing you are going to give the answer I hope?

I like the musket ball guess...but more likely something that the tree grew around, rather than something shot into the tree.
Okay it could be a deck sweeper round from a confederate ships cannon to kill and maim yankees before boarding.
I don't know what the rest of you are lookin at but that last picture looks like 6 bottles of Rollin Rock 33 to me.
it's a piece of a fence post with a civil war cannister shot in it.....that's an easy one kilo

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I agree with D13....grape shot that riddled the rail fence in Pickett's charge at Gettysburg....except I thought the balls were lead not iron?? C'MON KILO WHAT'S THE STORY!!!
JB, you damn plick your answer don't count. I told you in the "chatroom" then I go to bed and you come and post that.
JB is a CHEATER.........lol And he did not say the whole story.

>Is it related to this damn

Yeah - did we ever find out what this was?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It is either part of a fence post or tree with "one" ball that is about 1-3/4" dia. It was inside a Canister Shot from a cannon shell that weighed about 12# and had 48 of these "balls" inside of it. Used during the Civil War.

All I know is Kilo fired the musket...Good thing Eel was holding up the fence post...MM wouldn't be the same without him..


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