Picture from Vernal


Long Time Member
I think this may have been a Nativity Scene in Vernal or something. Not sure I fully understand but hey it is Utah.


Here is another similar yet very different dinosaur picture.

LOL, yes that is in the lovely town of Vernal, as you can see from the post office building in the background. LOL

And no I am not going to try and exsplain it to ya, I dont feel like looking like a jackass.

And that Barny pic is HILLARIOUS. Who new!

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
LAST EDITED ON May-11-09 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]As if the dinosaur being dressed up wasn't tacky enough...someone had to clean out the inflatables department over at Kmart. Sweeeett! Klassy, man...KLASSY! You should see that T-Rex now...they've stuck a giant party favor in his mouth. Looks like he's smokin' a kazoo. He looked MUCH better after Roy made his first crossbow in woodshop and used T-Rex for target practice...lol

BTW NVB...i will UNFRIEND you if you steal my pics from Facebook! ;-)
I always called it Urinal, because it was half way between Steamboat and Alta. About perfect for a little pit stop.


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