Pics of my 2 days hunting



Not really my pics, but you'll get the idea................


In an area where in the last 5 years i have run into one(1) other hunter. This year the Limited Entry folks had decended upon the area............WTF.

I was as true a sportsman, as i could be, and offered all i could to the 8 other archers that i ran into(all of them after elk). But the whole time I was just loosing interest in being up there. knowing that the hills had been trampled....I'll be back up there in a week, if not to find the "ONE", then to pick up camp.
i'm just disgruntled a bit, about not having that week to ourselves(as deer hunters). I guess its just time to go find a NEW secret honey hole....

The only critter i saw that i thought about knocking for:---

but these guys will be gone in a week, i hope!
Looks like it would have been a fun trip Tag, but too bad there wasn't a nice fat black one right in the middle of that flock!!

To hell with ya'll! lmao-- i'm really serious about this whole thing, and.....oh wait, no i'm not or i would have posted in another forum! But it did suck.

just in time for what, berry?
Yeah, I was just reading it..........and................i'm done with her/him, have been for sometime, i'll save my energy for the crap that i'm about to have to take, yeah that sounds like a reasonable cause!
well alrighty then lemme go dig out my velcro chaps and gloves ill be right in the middle with the cute one!

Wildlife population control specialist
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-08 AT 05:20PM (MST)[p]I'm sorry berry, i've just had a long week off....i'll be back to the normal me in a couple days, ready to go troll hunting!

but right now, the last thing i wanna do is think about some he-she experimenting on me like a mad scientist! WTF....

go into chat!

48696fc97cd60c01.jpg what you have to do, but I think the one you were eyballin' is Slamdunk's girl, and I KNOW he can wreck your ass!

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