Picking Points/Bonus Thoughts


Very Active Member
Lets say you have waited for years for a hunt/unit and you have a lots of point build up and you decide to go with a unit that takes less points to draw. What are your thoughts about picking how many points you want to use in a unit/draw?
You shouldnt get to hung up on "wasting" points when applying for units. The quality of a unt can change dramatically in the course of many years it takes to draw some of these units.
I say if you find a unit you really want to hunt and you have the points go hunt it. Look at the bright side if you have more points then needed you don't have to worry about drawing the tag you can just start planning the hunt.
Terrible idea, IMO. We need to get people through the point system, not keep adding to it.

Pick up a partner that has less than you and go together. Just make sure he has more pts than you on a diff hunt/state and WILL return the favor.
If you have 17 points and you decide to put in for a hunt that takes 6 points to draw its going to cost you all 17 points. You will then be back to zero.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-14 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]I know some states average points, but in Colorado, if you have more points than someone else and put in together, you go in draw under the points of the LESS PP person. They do not average points. So if you have 17 points and someone else has 6, you go in as 6 points.

However, since Colorado is trying to figure out some ways to solve the PP creep issue, seems like allowing AVERAGING of PP might get some big point owners to use them by putting in with a friend with less points.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
OK. First of all is how many pts. do you have? If you want out of the pts. chase for the top hunts and just want to go hunting and your asking how many pts you should sacrifice for a lower pts unit. How many years are you willing to loose? I think its relative to how many years you have invested vs. how soon you want out. You need to check out the draw odds to see where you stand and make your decision from there.
Not much fun to realize you got sucker punched by the points scam. Please keep buying points for the trophy unit and some of us will go on a decent hunt every couple of years. If a drought happens or federal shutdown or fire closure or wife gets sick or twist a knee then the hunter only blew a few points. They are selling hope in one year installments and suckers feel is fairer than no points linked with waiting period if drawn. You put in for a hunt with 1 in 300 odds then think a point system will solve supply and demand. No way, no how.
Are you asking how many points to sacrifice is ok? For example if you have 15 points, how low f a point can you go before it is considered wasting?
If so, every situation is different for every hunter. I would feel it a waste for a 30 year old to spend 15 points on any unit other than 201 in Colorado for elk if he was healthy and no major life changes seen coming, however a 70 year old not in good shape would be wise to pick a unit he could walk in even if it meant only 2 points were needed...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Hey quest, check out my posts on the Colorado Forum: topic:preference points fees.

mntman said it pretty well here.

Some of us may take our PP/bonus pts. to our graves. I Prey we can transfer them to Heaven!
I'm talking about picking and choosing how many points you want to use and still have some left over after the draw. There seems to be a lot of hunters who have lots of points but are getting up in age and have no way of getting that dream tag. This might be away out in allowing them to hunt a lesser unit and not feel stuck with all those points/years. It's not about me.
quest, I know that some people are getting older and won't ever use their points. That attrition HAS to happen because simultaneously there are new hunters coming in that are starting with nothing.

We need a constant turnover to allow youth hunters to get to hunt once in their lifetime.

Go look at total applicants for any LE rifle deer unit, divide it by tags available and add it to the age a youth hunter starts applying. That is the age that many hunters are looking at for their first quality hunt in Utah.

Then figure they will be at that age when they start their new species and figure how many more people will be in front of them... most youth will not draw two LE tags in their lifetime. Do the math, this is not a disputable fact.

This point system is a massive scheme that needs to be seriously re-thought. I just don't know how to get there.

What I do know is that ultimately we need to move people through the system, not plug the hole even more.

I understand grizzly what your saying and couldnt agree more but what about those states that charge for a point? Does the hunter have a right to pick and choice since he paid for it?
>I understand grizzly what your saying
>and couldnt agree more but
>what about those states that
>charge for a point? Does
>the hunter have a right
>to pick and choice since
>he paid for it?

Every state charges for a point in one way or another.

The hunter can apply for any unit he chooses and when he draws, his points revert to 0. That was the deal when he bought the points and chose to save/accrue them... to move the goalposts now would be untoward, IMO.

Wish I could have explained it as good as grizzley. It sounded to me that quest was thinking that he could get change returned on his points. Like if he had 15 points and the hunt only needed 10 to draw he would get to keep 5.
>Wish I could have explained it
>as good as grizzley. It
>sounded to me that quest
>was thinking that he could
>get change returned on his
>points. Like if he had
>15 points and the hunt
>only needed 10 to draw
>he would get to keep

***I believe that is exactly what his question was asking. Didn't CO do or allow that one year a while back?
I'm sorry I wasn't very clear. I was trying to get a feel on how everyone thought if they could pick and choose how many points they could use in a draw instead of all or nothing.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-14 AT 07:13PM (MST)[p]No I have one point. I know people who have accumulated lots of points and are getting up in age. Some feel stuck in the system this could be a way out for them. Something to think about.
How are they "stuck in the system" they are only stuck if they keep going for a top end unit, they could cash all those points in this year for a middle of the road unit and still have an oppertunity at a great animal.

The only ones that are stuck in the system are the youth or people starting out with no or few points that will never make up enough ground to catch up to even the mid level folks, as there are so many people in front of them.

all those folks with lots of points are the only ones with real options at this point.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Its definitely a choice. Its becomes all or nothing at a certain point. Its a train wreck grizzly is right on the money as some others on here.

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