Pick Miss USA

LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-11 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia- as previously stated, in no particualr order lol.

If I were as judge.



Or Florida

The one thing I hate most about this pageant is the political correctness.

My guess is you will see an African american, Asian, Spanish, and White in the top 4.

So if there is only one black shes in. If there's only one Asian shes in. ect ect.

Ill admit there are some real stunners. I personally like Hawaii, Arizona, and Utah from the portraits but Id have to see the rest of the package to make my final decision.

There's a little Red Tint there!

Can't be all bad!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Ahhhh, TN came so close and was ROBBBED. Driving the wife nuts flipping back and forth between 'Fallen Skies' and pretty women last night.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-11 AT 06:04AM (MST)[p]We really do have some of the most beautiful gals around here in Kali so i'm not too surprised that one of our girls won.

Just going from the pictures though, i saw about 10-12 chickies in there that i'd have dated at least once if i could have found the time :) Again from the pic's only, this one wins my vote.


Yep, she's a looker!!


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