
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-08 AT 08:20AM (MST)[p]Phuket, I'll go If you wont!! I hope you end up going on the trip. If not Phuket! Pretty place:) (I know it it pronounced POO-ket. But it is still fun to this day as when we found it in 6th grade geography on the atlas)

If it were me, i'd just say "Phuket" and go ;-)

I'd say your off to a much better start than yesterday, instead of dreaming bout d!cks your thinkin phuket, way to go !!!

Poor Mrs. F'dude, she'll be defenceless. when she arrives there :)
Hey Fdude stay home and I will go in your place. Anywhere over there is much nicer than when I was last there 36 years ago.

Phuket was and still is a nice place even though the war destroyed a lot of the scenery, but I would bet it has grown back by now.

Friends of mine have been over there and they want to go back, still want to make a return myself.


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