photoshop contest????



I was thinking that with all the BS with some pictures, lets see what funny kinds of things you can come up with. I have no scanner, or the computer know how to do it. But i'd like to have a mixed species, photo shop contest. Minimum 2 different species.... Lets hear what you think, and see what you come up with!!!
I took this photo this morning by our birdfeeder. The quail and the Stellers Jays get a little too friendly sometimes.

(I'm a rank amature at this photoshop)

Hey eel, i liked the pic....thanks for playing along. You win.
was it that dumb of an idea? I thought we'd get a couple trophy moose headed antelope.
Foul! Eel can't be the only entry and still win. I want to enter my whatever it is animal.


Ramsom, that thing will give me nightmares for sure. Crap!

Here's where the deer and the antelope play.........

The contest continues!!!!!! bring on the badger headed barn swallows!!!! Love the pics. Aint this FUN.... beats the hell out of guessing if it's photo shopped!

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