photo contest

  • Thread starter the breeze at home (Guest)
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the breeze at home (Guest)

SWFA optices is haveing a photo contest to get traffic to their site. i am in 4th place. i would really appreciate anyone that wants to vote for me! go to the swfa website at
look on the left hand side and go to the contest and vote for finalists.
thx in advance!
Tom Argyros
Tumacacori az
What do you need to recoupe some of the money you got wrapped up in your optics??? Nice buck and congrats, but the girls got my vote.
Tom: I tried voting but something about "cookies wont enable" caused an error. I will keep trying..... Allen Taylor......
Killowat told me how to modify my computer settings so I was able to vote. Tom, I voted for you and I cant wait to look through those bino's. Duwane told me about them and I bet you can really see the world through them......... Allen Taylor......
Just wondering why you guys would vote for a NonRegistered user? Seems to me that one of the kids in the contest is just as good as Tom's entry. I can see everyone helping out Duwane last yaer, and he had a great buck. I'd hate to see someone loose out because this guy is posting a "Help Me" add across the net.
Who cares he's posting on a couple sites. Tell me you wouldn't? I voted for him. Good job. I have one of those spotting scopes. It seems like you would need a wider feild of vision though.
i have registered at mm but for some reason i was getting a virus or something sent friom the website. it was called [email protected] or something of that sort. i have since never logged in again at this site. too many pop ups too if you ask me. i prefer the bowsite and thanx for the help guys just trying to score some optics not lookin' for any trouble. all of the prizes are cool though so who cares?
dude i don't blame you i would too :) i really don't care if i get from 1st to 7th they are all great prizes. actually i could use 6th prize the most in a practical sense as i am putting together a 25-06 for for my 10 year old daughter.(but i might syeal it once in a while;))
intact around 95" but he had broke off some main beam. he should net around 88-90"
i voted. can someone give me more info. on the optics tom was using. i love my 15x56 slc's but anytime i can gain more power, clarity, and adaptability im interested (especially when hunting for coues deer).
i bought 2 spotting scopes from swfa and had them put into a cradle and columnated in deleware by a machinest. they didn't cost me much more than the 15x56 with tripod adapter. if you read my blurb on swfa it has the guys number that made the cradle. let me know if you need more help
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-04 AT 09:10PM (MST)[p]voted for ya of luck....I try and do my part.....Dwayne
Tom, arent these prototype glasses with about two sets out in the general publics hands right now? Also, where would someone order a pair if possible and how much do they cost?..........Thanks...... Allen Taylor......
I voted for you Tom just because you impressed me with your idea. I have an sts65HD and would love to look through two of them. Too heavy and expensive for me though. Obviously you don't need the money so you can buy me a new rifle or something if you win!!!!! Steve

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