Phone Call to De-list Wolves


Founder Since 1999
I got this email forwarded to me. Don Peay at SFW is asking us to make couple calls today to

Phone Call to DC today, please

Please make TWO quick phone calls, pass this on to Every sportsmen you know around the country who wants to hunt big game in the west.

Simply call and Ask Sen. Tester and Sen. Baucus (both Montana) to Support Sen. Hatch, Sen. Crapo and Risch and Sen. Enzie and Barroasso and Sen. McCain and Kyle and vote to pass S. 3919 which would Delist wolves for all the West.

Be polite, tell them it is a critical issue to all sportsmen and ranchers for all Western States.

Call now, pass this on to all you know

Senator Baucus (202) 224-2651

Senator Tester (202) 224-2644

Brian Latturner
Wolves???They are a threat to hunting?And all this time I thought it was long range shooting!Silly me!Making my calls now(again).
Done as well.....thanks for the "heads-up". As elkun stated, both offices were cheerful and courteous and answered promptly.

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