Phelps gets 7th GOLD

Yep! Won with the immaculate touch! Hope he makes it 8!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I am wondering what that frog, french, swimmer is thinking right now after he boasted" we will smash the American swimming team" at the start of the games.
Zigga does not know who Phelps is, but I am sure he can name that frog swimming team member since liberals and frogs have a great love for each other's politics and are such great comrades in their liberal socialistic ideology.

The guy is something else. I watched them reply the race over and over. Instead of gliding in like his opponent he took that half stroke and touched the wall first.
It looked like a tie to me on all the replays I saw but I'm sure their machines are correct. That was about as close as it gets.

Phelps and his teammates won the relay and Phelps got his 8th. gold medal tonight. The frog team was not even in the relay race, so much for them "smashing" the U.S. swimmers as they boasted.

You guys see the Mens 100m sprint? That Jamaican boy is un freaking real, breaks his own World Record even coasting the last 15 meters....

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