
Long Time Member
Well what say you!

Petraeus and I qoute:

" At the outset, I would like to note that this is my testimony. Although I have briefed my assessment and recomendations to my chain of command, I wrote this testimony my self. It has not been cleared by, nor shared with, anyone in the Pentagone, the Whithouse or Congress."

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
That may be true but you don't actually think the whitehouse didn't have an influence on it do you? Petraeus is a good man but he serves the commander in chief and you have to expect some bias in his favor.

All that aside we'll have to see if the promise of some troop withdrawls next year will satisfy the public and congress. with an election year coming it's anyones guess. if any bad news other than what we're used to comes out of Iraq it's crying time for Bush, if things stay as they are who knows he may stay in the game a while longer.
You know Dude if the Dems would get behind this effort and support our armed forces this thing would be over in short order. But instead they prefer to condemn these brave young men and women and refuse to give them credit for doing the impossible in Iraq. Chuckie Schummer says its "Despite the Troops things are getting better in Iraq" My God that is despicable.
Harry Ried says "This war is lost" "The surge is not working"
John Murtha says "Our troops are killing innocents in cold blood"
John Kerry says "our troops are terrorising women and children in the dark of night" and if you are a stupid person you end up being an enlisted man stuck in Iraq.
We hear the Dem party Leaders saying these horrible things and more. These folks are not Patriots. They are self serving scum bags and traitors.
The Dems need to HELP our country win this thing instead of trying to see to it we lose, cut and run, tuck tail. It is a sad state when you have a ranking member of congress when asked if the war in Iraq goes well says "Well thats a very big problem for us" This friggin scumbag ought to be saying halaluya God Bless the troops, God Bless America lets get this deal done.
I am telling you guys the Dems are wrong, wrong, wrong on this war and it is disgusting and sickening.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Until this Jan. the dems had no say at all in this matter, why is it you didn't just win it before they got elected? they still don't have a 2/3 majority to over ride Bush's veto so they still haven't done anything, except keep us from winning huh? you're funny.
No Dude your party is funny............yea funny like Osama himself. I guess you have no problem with members of your Party running down our troops. The dems stink and their Patriotism must be called into question with the remarks they have made. Instaed of always being against this war at every turn and being against a win and being against the troops they should do whats right for the country and get on board and lend their full support to getting this thing done. I have no problem with disenting views and comments by Dems on how the war is running but to denegrate the brave souls that are trying desperatly to win this deal,is uncontionable and un-American and treasonist.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Good spin but an old one, and a bunch of BS to boot. 202 you never let the facts get in the way of your argument, again I ask why didn't the republicans win before the dems had any control? you know the last 6 1/2 years. and what have the dems actually done to prevent a win in Iraq to date? let's hear it, is just their questioning the war making you guys sad and you just can't win when your upset?

Even you know that if the our military was fully unleased, they would have won the war in Iraq in a matter of 48 hours. But then you and your librals in congress would be screaming about how our war machine totally distroyed a country and it's inhabits and "how inhumane" that war was fought.
Find another worthy subject to argue. If the Dems were only questioning how the war can be fought or won is one thing, but they have gone far beyound that point and are trying to run the war. When Congress and our dipolmats failed to find a working solution, they voted for military action. When they did that, they need to step back and let the military run it after they were the ones to unlease the military into action. Have you not forgotten how all your libs in congress voted for military action, while speaking out of one side of their mouths, and now have choosen to speak out the other side. Kind of like you do on these forums.

Some of us saw the mess in Iraq coming , kind of like Cheney did a few years back. just because a some dems are idiots also doesn't mean I've changed my position ever, the dems are as stupid as the republicans most of the time. " find another subject to argue " now that's the best non answer I've heard yet, if the dems are the reason the war is a wreck just explain how that it is, no crap just facts. and if " the war machine " could have won without any oversight just how would that have hapened with any Iraqis left alive? after all freeing the Iraqis was our main goal seeing how there were no WMD's right? so killing all the Iraqis seems a bit against our goals wouldn't you say? answer the question or admit you can't.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-07 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]The whole issue of them against us is laughable. The point is; Bush has had the ball without any serious opposition from the outset and look where we are at. He has fouled up everything, and I do mean everything from the beginning. History will measure this President based on accomplishment and I suspect he will fall in the bottom 2% of accomplishment in office. The Democrats have been and still are impotent, so that's no excuse. 60% of the USA population is just hunkering down for another 16 months or so and hoping this idiot doesn't do something really stupid. Having said that, no one and I mean NO ONE fault's the brave people in the military for following orders.

Y?ALL NEED TO GET OVER THE FACT THAT THIS GUY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ELECTED! But he was ? so let's all hope we survive without intelligent leadership for another year or so.

You retards need to realize that Iraq is just a battle in this war on terror. If Americans are this ready to roll over and cry uncle already then we will deserve every damn bit of what will happen inside our borders. I for one rather take the fight to the enemy. This war is not going to be over anytime soon, not even if we pull out of iraq.

Who said the war on terror would be over if we pull out of Iraq? it never was in Iraq. bin Laden is still making movies and terrorist are thriving all over the world in spite of your Iraq war. even Petreaus said today he didn't know if his plan for Iraq would make the US any safer. do you still think Saddam and Iraq are responsible for the events that took place 6 years ago today? do you think all the terrorist will flock to Iraq to be killed? do you think Iraq will be our friend and not Iran's when this is over? how much time do we give the Iraqi goverment to get it together? do you think the next president will " stay the coarse "? can you tell us what a victory in Iraq will look like even if we acheive one?

Gen. Westmoreland gave similar testimony to congress in 1967 saying gains were being made, and how did that one turn out? probably the same as this one. this " must win in Iraq " crap is getting old, other than a select few idiots nobody buys it anymore. Bush is going to draw troop numbers down at what ever rate it takes to hold his 1/3 of congress, in the end the outcome will be the same.
Dude you are so caught up in the past it is unreal. Your hatred for Bush refuses you to see what must be done. So lets get this right out front so we do not have to hear you say it over and over and over. You are upset over how Rumsfeld and Bush handled the war from the get go. You think we should have never followed al Quida into Iraq. Iraq was a HUGE mistake. Lets see what I missing any thing..........Bush is an idiot.....did I say that already.........Dems have never stood in the way of the war.....lets see umm.......oh, our military should have won already cause Bush had full reign to do what he wanted...........does that about cover it?
So lets say this, for sake of argument I agree with you, which I do not, but lets hypothisize for a moment and say I lost my mind and agreed with every thing stated here so far. OK. The question comes down to what do we do NOW. RIGHT NOW. Forget all your "I told you so and tit for tat crap" Dude. What do we do NOW. I for one believe in Petreus, I think he has us on the right track. I think he is a man of honor and integrity, not a liar and Bush pupet. I think the good news on the surge will help the political situation progress in Iraq. The win which I have explained to you about 2 billion times is a stable Iraq with a representative government and not a dictatorship and an army and police force that can protect its self with minimal US involvement. This is attainable, it is not imposible.
So now turn to the alternative, which I gues would be are only other choice, the Dems plan? What plan is that? Cut and Run, redeploy, pull out. That puts a hurt on us far far greater than trying to stabilize Iraq and if you can not see that then you are hopeless.
On to your Westmoreland comment...........and I knew as soon as you got your talking points from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and the NYT you would parrot that here. We were making gains in Vietnam, it was the weak a$$ gutless, spinless politicians that lost the war. The same group that is attempting to lose the war here at home. Shall we name them cause it is the EXACT same cast of characters. Kerry, Kennedy.........and others do you get the picture??????
I can not believe that any American can sit there and write on this board with a staright face and say a "this must win in Iraq crap is getting old". You Dude are 1 of three things. You are either extremely bitter and jaded, stupid, a Muslim sypathiser. There is no other explanation. Well you may be a troll and just love to argue. You definetly are the MOST negative person on this board without a doubt.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Did anyone see what the democrat parties mouth piece,, have to say about Petraeus. That was sickening IMHO.

George Soros should be ashamed of what he is did with that one. Whether you agree or disagree with the General their is no need to question his honor and integrity.

I guess that if you are in the majority, per Huntindude, you have a free hand to whatever you want in this country.

So if you disagree with Bush, his war and the other nonsense he does you're negative? you guys cry like babies all the time about the dems , Clinton ect. and that's not negative right?

I have no use for your bathroom stall dancing fanny bandit hero or for the moveon org either. get real, it's not all or nothing in this county, unless maybe you like Craig and play footsie with him yourself? I don't know and I don't want to he's your boy. if it's negative to dislike Bush then it's negative to dislike Ted Kennedy, Hillary or any of the rest of the dork squad. grow up you guys, or at least wise up to the fact you're the minority , you're the whiners who are out numbered and you'll be the losers. negative is negative, you only see it that way when it's your ox getting gored.

I really am starting to believe your hopeless. Sorry to come across unlike myself. BUT with your logic we should have ONLY fought Japan and stayed out of Europe and North Africa, RIGHT? Screw France and the rest of the world. I guess there wouldn't be any unemployment in Europe right now if Hilter was left alone. Would have taken care of those Zionists, right? The Palestinians would be baking cookies and having weenie roasts.
Must be feeling my oats as I reregistered today.

Another all or nothing ultimatum huh? I said IRAQ was and is a mistake, how does that mean I'm against any conflict past or present?

Vietnam ended the same as this war will but at least I could see the point , communism needed to be held at bay. the cold war was much more serious than many give it credit, the war on terrorism while not as serious is no laughing matter, but prove where Iraq fits into the picture. I said prove, not just flap your lips. in todays poll 56% of Americans say the Iraq war was not worth it, Petreaus says he can't say his plan for Iraq will make us any safer. how do you get off saying I'm the one who's out on a limb?

Some of you need to realize the majority in the MM Campfire world isn't representative of the real world. I don't mind taking the heat I'm used to it but realize I'm not some fringe wacko, you may not agree with me but I'm the majority on most political issues. bringing me down on MM won't change the real world so learn to debate in realistic terms and don't rely on personal degradation of the messenger to solve your problems, the real world is still there once you leave MM.
I don't think there are many liberals that hang out on MM, maybe a few of us aren't Bush bunnies but that doesn't mean we're liberal. a true liberal would freak out if they saw what I do and how I live, good one.
If a liberal is someone without a picture of Bush on their T shirt and underwear and without a bible in both hands then you're right.

Being a moderate around here seems to be considered a sin. it gives me a sense of satisfaction knowing I can pull away from the flock of sheep, something most of you can't do. Bush says pat your head, Bush says rub your tummy, go on now.

Are you still mad at me? I respect your opinion, I just disagree about Islam. I think it is our enemy. Easy to say? Yes it is if you examine their teachings. Their religion is not about love and forgiveness, its about conquest and conversion. If the vanquished do not accept Islam they are doomed.
To allow any Moslem Dictator to remain in power with Saddams record would have been wrong. Time will tell, not polls. If you believe in polls check the polls for the American Civil War. Not a very popular war either. Just another war that should not have been fought, right?

Just flapping my lips

Even if Bush holds his 1/3 of congress the war is winding down, done deal. with no government in Iraq and the news of the most helpful Sunni in Iraq being killed today we'll see just how rosie this thing looks in a few months. unlike most of our past wars this one was 100% elective, since we had a choice in causing it we have a choice in ending it, the polls reflect that fact.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-07 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]> Even if Bush holds his
>1/3 of congress the war
>is winding down, done deal.
>with no government in Iraq
>and the news of the
>most helpful Sunni in Iraq
>being killed today we'll see
>just how rosie this thing
>looks in a few months.
>unlike most of our past
>wars this one was 100%
>elective, since we had a
>choice in causing it we
>have a choice in ending
>it, the polls reflect that

Just one Sunni? I had hoped for far more.
100% elective unlike most of our wars? What school did you go to any way?

1. Revolutionary War. We were Brittish subjects after all.

2. War of 1812. We attacked first.

3. Mexican War ? Give me a major break.

4. Civil War. Linclon only had to keep the troops at northern bases.

5. Indian Wars. Those red bastards!

6. Spanish American War? Really?

7. WW1. Those German bastards invaded Pennsylvania right?

8. Alabama Oregon War. Alabama invades Oregon to put down liberal rebellion. Ha Ha.

Ransom, rhymes with handsome
9. WW2. Japs bomb Pearl Harbor and Germans invade Pennsylvania again. We bail out the lymies and frogs..........again.

10. Korean war. Did it for the oil right?

11. Vietnam. French bail out, we bail in. Great opportunity for some baby killing right?

12.Various small conflicts with various levels of U.S. support. Oil, oil, college co-eds, oil, drugs, rackmasters red head, gov. contractors.

13. Gulf war. Oil, date palms, sunshine.

14. War on terror. Come on now those airplanes and buildings were insured right? Muslims are just peaceful folks that we have oppressed right dude? Its probally all of our fault so we should just pull out and make good with that nice mr. bin fellow. Lets see, Oil, oil, opium poppys, weed, more oil, rackmasters red head again, oil, oil, spearmint, oil, gready gov. contractors, french hookers, bottled water, lattes, four-wheeler companys, oily french hookers, war protesters and did I mention oil?

How long did those wars last and what did they cost? did we have a choice without jepordising our way of life? there were as many WMS's in any of those wars as there were in Iraq. how many had congress thrashed in mid terms for the war yet the president ignored the voters? how many had way less than 50% of Americans wishing to prolong them? comparisons for this war are hard to come by because we've entered a new relm of stupidity and ignorance. only in Veitnam was there this much opposition to a war and even then our elected officials gave in to the will of the people.

The Alabama - Oregon war is yet to be decided, we lost the Mexican war from what I see, the Indian wars didn't go quite the way some of my family would have prefered but in the end it worked out. better than the Iraq war will I'll wager.

What cost? Civil War, come on. Less than 50%, Civil War again. Ignored voters Civil War again. WMD'S see President Clintons speech of 1998 at the President Strikes Iraq.
Are you conceding that Iraq is not the first elective war? If so I must have missed it.
Like most southern folks I am part Native American. One ancestor on the Dawes Roll. Carry the blood of Chickamauga, Choctaw, Cheraw, Creek and Shawnee.
I'll bet on Alabama as we don't cut and run.

>9. WW2. Japs bomb Pearl Harbor
>and Germans invade Pennsylvania again.
>We bail out the lymies
>and frogs..........again.
>10. Korean war. Did it for
>the oil right?
>11. Vietnam. French bail out, we
>bail in. Great opportunity for
>some baby killing right?
>12.Various small conflicts with various levels
>of U.S. support. Oil, oil,
>college co-eds, oil, drugs, rackmasters
>red head, gov. contractors.
>13. Gulf war. Oil, date palms,
>14. War on terror. Come on
>now those airplanes and buildings
>were insured right? Muslims are
>just peaceful folks that we
>have oppressed right dude? Its
>probally all of our fault
>so we should just pull
>out and make good with
>that nice mr. bin fellow.
>Lets see, Oil, oil, opium
>poppys, weed, more oil, rackmasters
>red head again, oil, oil,
>spearmint, oil, gready gov. contractors,
>french hookers, bottled water, lattes,
>four-wheeler companys, oily french hookers,
>war protesters and did I
>mention oil?

Wow! I sure missed some. Thanks ismith! By the way did you say French Hookers?

You're from Alabama? now that explains a lot. I just bought a '67 GTO from a guy in Enterprise AL where ever that is. he seemed like a nice guy and pretty honest so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

I'm affraid ranchers and loggers in a war against Nascar watchers and Joe Dirt don't give you the edge in our state's battle though.

Are you bad mouthing NASCAR? If so you will finally piss me off!
And all people from Bama are real nice. Why we have the most polite killers in the world.
Do you know what chiggers are? Better get prepared.


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