Pete Rose...In or Out?


Long Time Member
Now that Pete Rose has come clean in public,should he be re-instated and be eligible for the hall of fame?
I'm not a huge baseball fan,but in my opinion he knew the rules and he chose to break them.
No, he shouldn't be allowed in.
What do you think?
Im not a big baseball fan either, but the way I see it is this; MLB has allowed fools like Doc Gooden, Darryl Strawberry etc etc to run roughshod over the rules and continually allowed back in the game. Why is Rose any different? The commissioner chose to make an example out of him is the only answer I can come up with.

I don't know, it's a tough call...just makes you wonder what else that goes on in the world of sports that goes undetected that is probably much worse. I say put this dead horse to rest, either induct him and be done, or tell him to take his ball and go home.
First he bet on baseball, which is as about as bad for the game as anything a player or coach could do. Second I am not sure he has come clean. Did he admit to betting on the Reds? What about the last 14 years, including the book he previously wrote wherein he denied all allegations? For the last 14 years he has steadfastly denied the allegations. I simply believe he was given many opportunities before now to try and make it right , and he did not do it. The only reason he is confessing now is because he wants something out of it. New book sales? Induction into the Hall? Fact is he is not confessing because it is the right thing to do, but rather becasue it serves his purpose to do so now. Pete Rose has not changed, only his story has. I do not think he desrves to be inducted.
Hall of Fame---ABSOLUTELY

Involved with any MLB team--ABSOLUTELY NOT

Pete accomplishments on the field should be recognized. What he did as a player was amazing, what he did as a manager was disgusting but he would not be inducted for his managerial skills. I say let him in.

I'm not sure if he has admitted it yet or not. They are predicting, that in his new book he does admit it. But, the liar does come back and say that he never bet on the from the clubhouse and he never bet against them.

His stats justify his being in there, but his actions surely say that they should keep him me
No to reinstatement and the hall. Yes he was a great player and should have been a sure thing for the hall, but his gambling on baseball and then lying about it for 14 years tarnishes his on-field accomplishments.
Gambling on baseball is understood by all players to be the 'Death Penalty' and it should be.

IN? No Way

The hall of fame is meant to immortalize baseball PLAYERS. There are many people in the hall who were less than ethical people. Take Ty Cobb, incredible anger management problem and once killed a man and got off scot free. Point being, the hall of fame is NOT a measure of character. Induct Rose into the hall as a PLAYER. He will be forever shamed as an unethical person and manager.

4,256 hits...AMAZING. Watch old Pete Rose game footage. Watch him run into a catcher or spike a 2nd baseman. Feel the intensity and passion that he played the game with, then try to tell me that his play doesn't warrant him being alongside his peers as the best baseball players that ever lived.

PS- If he'd have been a Yankee (hate them), he'd be in the hall.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-04 AT 09:48AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-04 AT 09:45?AM (MST)

Hall of fame?....Yes

Allowed to be apart of baseball again?. Yes...

Pete made a great point in an interview I saw on tv...They have all kinds of rehabs for Alcohol and drugs in baseball and they let players comeback all the time after breaking laws and serving time...Why is this any different???. He has a gambling addiction!!!. If he goes through the proper rehab program then he should ABSOLUTLEY be elegible to be employed by baseball again....Anyone who lives with an addict knows that denial and lieing are a big part of being addicted....Give the man a second chance....Hell how many chances did Darrel Strawberry get????. Pete didn't hurt anyone but himself and his family...Baseball sure survived it!
If the hall is to immortalize baseball players, why don't I see Joe Jackson's name in there? A .356 average is pretty good, (third in the history of the game) but he was BANNED for life, just like Pete. It was never actually proven that Joe Jackson was part of the conspiracy, most facts point out that he wasn't, but he was BANNED for life and thus will never be allowed in the hall. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!

How can we sit in judgement of Pete Rose for his gambing habits, and the fact that he lied for 14 yrs. about it, when like Dakota said you got Gooden, Strawberry and alot of others that, in my humble opinion, have hurt the sport!! Gambling aside, he was one "kick-ass,good ballplayer", who's accomplishments on the field should be recognized. Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle were "a bad element", by today's standards, but their outrageous behavior was tolerated because they were the best!! Pete deserves to be recognized just as they were!!! LET HIM IN !!!!
Smalls nailed it.

This is the BASEBALL hall of fame. Not the PERSONAL ETHICS hall of fame or the GOOD PERSON hall of fame or even the HONESTY hall of fame. They have already set the standard by admitting drug dealers and racists, why change it for rose? Is any crime good for the sport?

let the man in
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-04 AT 02:01PM (MST)[p]Sorry, I forgot to say that, LET JOE JACKSON IN TOO!!!

In the tainted 1919 world series, the man batted .375 with 12 hits, drove in 5 runs and hit one home run. Not too bad for someone trying to lose the world series.

Oh, and let in Roger Maris...(even though the yankees are the anti-christ)

My .02
In my opinion the Hall is about Baseball. The death penalty in baseball, is that for the integrity of the game, zero tolerance for betting. In order to make sure all players managers etc. understand the importance of this rule, and again for the integrity of the game, it must always be lifetime zero tolerance penalty, PERIOD. Yes there are players in the hall that have done bad criminal things, and they may be bad people, but they did not hurt the integrtiy of the game like betting scandles do. I think this is a distinction that is important for which there should no exceptions no matter how good of a player Pete was.
my 2 cents
Ban him from baseball for being a jerk, a lier and a crook in my opinion if he bet on his own team.
But let him in the hall for his performance.
What Pete did was wrong, very wrong. I've played some pro ball myself and gambling on your own sport is a HUGE nono. His stats speak for themselves, one of the best ever to play the game, but he made a big mistake and now he should pay the price for that. I say no way in hell should Pete be in the hall. I'll second that Joe Jackson should be in.
I have a few friends that played in the big league's... some for a cup of coffee and some had long productive careers. When you talk to these guys one thing is very clear. Arcticle 21 is posted in every clubhouse and is talked about over and over by the league. It is made very clear that if you bet on baseball you WILL be expelled for LIFE. Period.

Drug and alchohol problems are completly different. You have to remember that we are talking about the integrity of the game with gambling. If your addicted to gambling that still dont mean you have to bet on baseball. Plenty of other outlets when you saw that sign hanging in the locker room every day for 20 years.

Pete knew what he was doing when he did it. He just didn't plan on getting caught. He did get caught and has lied about it for 14 years, until it was in his own personal best interest to tell the truth. He's not sorry he did it. He's just sorry he got caught. One person is not bigger than the game itself.

I loved the way Pete played the game and personally I'd like to see him inducted for the what he did on the field. But.... I believe even a little more strongly that he made his bed and it's time to lay in it. What a shame.
This to me is a no-brainer. He shouldn't be given the satisfaction since he broke the biggest rule in BB, and knew it the whole time.

OUT!!! Definitely.

Heard a guy on a local talk show today suggest reinstating him after he is dead. That way he can't profit from it but his on-field accomplishments will be recognized. I think I could change my vote to "yes to the hall" under those conditions.
I agree with cb. Well said. We should follow the same standard in the sport of hunting. Wildlife Law violations, Zero Tolerance.






to me it's like when Gus and Woodrow hung their buddy Jake Spoon. when he asked em why, Gus said "you crossed the line Jake". there is a line there, and it applies to all situations, when you cross it, it doesn't matter what you do, you can't ever come back on the good side of it. pete crossed the line. he had dozens, maybe even hundres of chances to make it right. all he had to do was show a little humility and admit what he did and all would have been forgiven, and after awhile things would have been made right. hell, he went to prison for illegal betting, or did ya all forget about that. he laughed when Bart Giamanni (sic?) died. but he stiffened up, lied about it for years, caused all kinds of problems for all of baseball and everyone involved in the mess and is now getting what he deserves. but also, any "hall of fame" that has kennsaw mountain landis, rogers hornsby and ty cobb in it, ain't much of a hall in my book. the let guys like that in the hall of fame and destroy john rocker for teasing the new york fans. all he did was joke about it, these guys did things, bad things.
I think Pete should run one of those of shore sports-betting companys to occupy all his spare time, he definatly has the credentials, plus he would be so busy he probably wouldn't give a rats about all the talk about the Hall.
Yes to the hall for the way he played.
I think he is accused of betting when he was a manager and not a player. However I do not think he should ever be allowed back in baseball in any capacity.
Gambling on BB enhanced the competiton for Rose, filling an unmet need. If addicted to gambling, He's still getting his fix, because rather than pursue the game with his characteristic competitiveness, Rose now 'gambles' he will win HOF status.

At issue, then, is not Rose's performance on the field, or even whether he broke the written, clearly understood, cardinal rule of baseball - do NOT bet on the game.

At issue, really, is how public opinion changes over time as to what behavior it will tolerate in it's public figures and what behavior it will not.

Will Rose win this bet?


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