PETA lies about Dr Atkins weight!!!!


Long Time Member
The SCUMBAGS of PETA are LYING and breaking the law to try to further their agenda....

The Truth About Dr. Atkins? Weight
By Stuart Trager, M.D.
At the time of his injury at the age of 72, after years of following the Atkins Nutritional Approach, Dr. Atkins? recorded height was 6 feet and his recorded weight was 195 pounds.

In today's Wall Street Journal a grossly distorted story on the health of Dr. Robert C. Atkins reported that he weighed 258 pounds at the time of his death, making him obese. In fact, the day after his fall, Dr. Atkins' weight was recorded as195 pounds, 63 pounds less than reported at his death! Based on the body mass index (BMI), a desirable range for people over the age of 65, is 24 to 29. At a height of 6 feet, Dr. Atkins? BMI was 26.4, putting him squarely in the normal range for his age.

The Journal article was based on incomplete and inaccurate personal medical information that was released in violation of federal law. Furthermore, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), which, despite its name is a group of animal rights activists, illegally delivered these documents to the newspaper.

Dr. Atkins' weight was consistently and frequently documented in the years and months prior to his fall; as he was suffering from cardiomyopathy, his health was monitored closely. Despite this, he regularly played tennis, his favorite sport. His weight at his death was a result of water retention. During his coma, as he deteriorated and his major organs failed, fluid retention and bloating dramatically distorted his body.

Any implication that Dr. Atkins was obese prior to his accident shows a blatant disregard, or even worse, a twisting of medical facts surrounding this case to suit an agenda. One would also expect knowledgeable physicians to have a better understanding of the physiology of severe heart failure and the degree of fluid retention that occurred during this hospitalization for severe brain trauma. None of us would expect the physicians at PCRM to reveal any of this in light of their past and current motivation?but surely as medical professionals they understood that this weight gain was not due to obesity.
Rockydog, THEY WERE LYING!!!! Go pull up Tuesdays Wall street journal and get your facts straight....They weren't only lying but they were breaking the law by misrepresenting his death...Check it out!!!
The most important story about Atkins is the increasing body of evidence that high protein diets are dangerous to long term health. Do they work? Yes. Bulemia and anorexia also work.

Peta is so full of sh** . They're too ignorant too even read a paper , or watch the dang national news. I think they should stick their heads up their ya know , instead of in everyones buisness.:-}
I have only read the wall street article, and read an interview with Dr Atkins wife about the article. After reading her interview, I am thinking there is some truth to the article.

Atkins Inc. is a multimillion dollar indsutry....i dont think the entire truth will ever be known.
A lot of people lose weight and feel great. Unfortunately if you get off the diet you'll gain it back. If you stay on the diet you'll damage your liver. The liver has to metabolize all the excess nitrogen compounds from protein metablolism. This leads to cirrhosis of the liver. These processes take significant calcium, usually from the bones. So, long term you get osteoporosis. I'm glad you feel good now, because if you stay on a high protein diet now you pay for it. All these diets are lazy attempts to replace good old moderation and exercise.

AMEN KIDNEYSTONE. Anyone on this diet; push in under your ribcage in the front. Is it hard? That is your liver being slowly poisoned by the ammonia produced when your body breaks down protein. MODERATION is all you need. On the other hand ,we all have to die of something, so if you love this diet, go for it!!

"All these health nuts are going do feel pretty dumb some day when they are lying in the hospital dying of nothing"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-04 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]Have you ever read the ENTIRE book? You are only supposed to stay on the no carbs / high fat & protein for a few weeks, then slowly move back towrds a more balanced diet. You get in trouble when you stay in phase 1 for too long.

Do you really think a diet high in white bread and sugar is better for you then cheese, meat, eggs, and vegetables?
Yes, a high complex carb diet is the best. 60% of caloric intake should be complex carbs, 10 % simple carbs (sugars) and 20-30% fat. If people would do this, eat three meals a day until they were satisfied and excercised three times a week for 30 minutes, most would get to there ideal weights.

There aren't any doctors on this sight, but I know more than the average doctor.
As a consumer of an occasional rib eye steak....Have you seen the price per pound on these steaks lately??? Man o mighty! I know the steer people are loving it but, $12.99 per pound?? Wheres the veggie burger?? Just kidding, I'd rather eat deer droppings than a tofo enriched veggie burger.
You'd be better off eating deer droppings than the atkins diet.
I went in the store to get some hamburger the other day. $4.99 /lb. for the 20% fat burger. I walked right out the door.
Anybody see the Dateline special on the Atkins diet. Not too many REAL DR.'s could discredit it or say that it was bad for you.

It was said that being over weight is way worse than eating a low carb diet. Many did say however, that the goverments "food pyamid" was basically horse crap.
Of course being fat is worse. That's not the alternative. The alternative is to be fit and healthy through exercise and a balanced diet. The food pyramid is right on. The healthiest diet has the proportions I outlines above.

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