Personal Finance



Imagine yourself in a BIND...
A BIND that you have actually been in...
Try to remember the amount of stress that you had on your mind when everything that you had just wasnt enough to cover you in your situation.
Maybe your car broke down and you couldn't afford to pay for repairs and it was your only means of transportation...
Maybe a loved one had to be hospitalized and you didnt have enought to cover the expenses...
Maybe you couldn't cover a mortgage payment and you were worried that your house would foreclose...
Bring yourself back to that specific situation. Remember when you promised yourself that if you could take out a loan or if you could find a way out of your BIND you would do anything? You promised yourself you would save up for years and you would nickel and dime everything just so you could keep working/help your hospitalized loved one or keep your house? At that moment you are willing to give up anything...
I just wanted to make this post so that all you monstermuley members can excert yourselves to the same extent that you would in a BIND so the when an actual crisis occurs in your life you are able to handle the blow. Such crisis' bring enough emotional stress to your life you don't need the physical stress. This post is meant for the CAMPFIRE and I hope you guys can take it to heart and seriously put some extra cash away for when the unexpected occurs. Don't live paycheck to paycheck. Get out of debt and repair any mistakes you have made in the past.
I just lost my mother to stomache cancer in May. There's not a thing on this earth I wouldn't have done to tell her I love her just one more time. I brought up the personal finance though because my transmission just went out on my truck and I just barely have enough to cover it and get by with the mortgage. I will have to build my nest egg back up and the wife and I just discovered we have our first baby on the way. I hope you guys are are living within your means. It would be a tragedy to stop hearing from anyone on this forum because they couldnt afford to access the internet.
Good luck on your hunts and be safe...
I am greatful for my BIND because it has taught me a lot and I look forward to becoming a father and I will do anything to support my child or children..
Hang tight man, i hear yah, I'm 50 and still get into pinche's & Raised three kids to boot... going on 26 years of being married to the same woman!
Hang in there. Keep us posted. I also lost my mother when a young man. Sorry about poking fun at your elk drawing/ photo.

Umm, my interwebs are giving out....somebody wanna spare me a few bucks to keep her going?

Seriously though, I hear ya. I have wanted a new big house for a few years, but just can't give up my low payment that I have now. Maybe next year ;-)

Hey...CONGRATS on the baby! How wonderful!

It does suck to be in a bind though and I totally know what you're talking about when you mention the stress situations like that cause. If we had something major happen around here, we'd be more than screwed. I've been raiding my mom's pantry this month...4 more days to go til' payday.

Hang in there!
That's pretty much the plight of the working men and women these days. You're not alone. All I can tell you is you just have to keep on keepin' on. Scrimp and save all you can. Pay yourself first every payday by putting some in the bank (no matter how little). If you think about it, the only money you really make is the money you save. I have about 4 years left until retirement and I still brown bag it to work everyday and bring a thermos of coffee from home. No $4.00 lattes for me! All that little stuff adds up.

Ggod luck. Better times are ahead. It's not easy, I know.


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