Permit 620-15 Non-Resident Draw odds?



Could someone help me understand what the draw odds are for the LE tag 620-15 as a non-resident with zero pref points?

I used the draw odds tool on this site and came up with 29% but wanted to see if that made sense.

From what I understand the number of tags this year will be 75% of what they were last year further decreasing odds. I'd like to hunt unit 621 which, from what I understand, is included in the 620-15 archery permit.

Thanks for the help!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]There are no 'NR' tags set aside in MT. "Up to" 10% are given to NR. All tags could be given to residents so you odds could be as low as 0%.
Bambi, that doesn't make sense to me. The only way your odds could be 0% is if there are less than 10 tags available. Since there is no true preference given to residents, non-residents, or points holders, your odds should always be higher than 0% if there are more than 10 tags. What am I missing?

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