People Suck!


Long Time Member
Yesterday my wife went to visit a lady that lives close by. She has had quite a few health problems so she isn't able to make it out much. Always seemed to be a very very nice lady. Well while she was there she passed out and hit the ground pretty hard. My wife gets her up and into the truck. She calls our neighbor and sends the kids over there. Then she calls me and asks if I can come get the kids and what's is going on. So I call my boss and tell him, he offers to go get my kids and hang out with them until I can get home. I work about an hour and a half from home. I told him no they will be fine at the babysitter till I get there but thanks anyways. Well about the time I get home, around 4:00 I get a text from my wife saying "I screwed up..." I get the kids home and occupied playing in the backyard and finally get to talk to my wife about what is going on. Well come to find out she is a drug addict and faked the whole thing! I was soo pissed off! Well she didn't know that my wife knew so she stayed there until about 8:00 with her until we could finally get ahold of someone from her family. I don't know what all happened after my wife left but whenever she was crying in pain they would give her a "sugar pill" and lots of fliud, she failed her tox screen badly.
She knew she was taking advantage of my wifes good nature, she knew I had to take time off work and she put on a show and flat out lied to us.. I lost a lot of faith in people last night. But what else could we do? Knowing/thinking she had a lot of medical problems and she hits the dirt hard. It just makes it harder to decide what to do when there is a real problem with her or someone else. We will not be around her or her family anymore. Very bad deal!

Very bad deal, it seems no good deed goes un-punished. You still did the right thing though, it is not up to you to make the diagnosis, leave that up to the dr. Now you know what to do next time. It is always best to error on the side of safety.

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
Man that does suck. I hate it when people like that take advantage of others, but it is just a symptom of their disease. Now you know though and can stay away. Sad deal all around.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Nothing pisses me off worse then to hear somebody that's doing a good deed and showing compassion and then all they get for it is bent over and reemed. Im sorry that had to happen to your family
She doesn't know that we know. She called my wife phone at about 10:30 last night after she got home and in her voicemail she seemed really ancy and just really needs to talk to my wife. Hopefully she will get the hint when she doesn't call her back. I don't know what would be a good way to say stay away without pushing an addict on withdrawls off the deep end..... I need to call and talk to an officer and see what would be best to do....

You and your family did the right thing. Good for you!

Just because you got burned, don't give up doing good whenever possible.

As far as the druggie goes, she probably just needs a kind gesture from someone. I suggest that you bake her a pan of brownies.....with 4 boxes of Exlax for frosting.
Having been around folks like that, if you do much more than telling her the truth and/or telling her she must get help, then you run the risk of enabling her to continue on with her lifestyle.

It's not like you are giving her the dope, but, in a sense, by not being straight with her, she may take that as you saying her crappy life choices are ok.

The worst thing I see happening is that she may drag you and your family into a legal issue that isn't your doing. My vote....tell her to either get help or leave you alone.

Good luck, and don't let her crappy decisions keep you from doing good for others.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

You do not need to call an officer to see what to do about your druggie neighbor. This retired cop will tell you. YOU AND YOUR FAMILY STAY AWAY FROM HER AS FAR AS POSSIBLE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF AGAIN OR EVEN RIPPED OFF TO SUPPLY HER ADDICTION!!!!!

I have seen addicts many times sell their own family members down the tube for a fix that means more to them then their own family. She would not even have to think twice about screwing you or your family over to get what she wants. You are running the risk of being a crime victim because an addict will not think twice about ripping you off. Keep her out of your house and your life.

I know it may sound harsh to you, but do not get involved in her sucker game where you or your wife is the sucker.

I have seen to many familes suffer because they tried to help their druggie family member who lied to them and took advantage of their good nature. Even to the point of losing their home because a druggie son lied to them.

Stay away and take care of your own family, if her family is not helping her it is because she has taken advantage of them once to often and they slammed the door on her.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-10 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the help guys, my wife has a big heart and still wants to help her. I had her read this and she is going to tell her to stay away. Don't call, don't stop by we don't want anything to do with her. She is not welcome close to our house and we won't hesitate to call the police.

We will see where that goes... Wish this whole deal never even happened! I'm sooo freaking pissed off at her putting us through this!

Your wife sounds a lot like my wife. Toooo big of a heart for her own good. My wife had a best friend who slowly stole $1800 in checks from her. Both named Melissa and worked at the same salon so what the "friend" would do is steal a check or two from my wife and CHANGE THE LAST NAME WRITTEN ON THE CHECK! Pretty dumb if you ask me. It was only a matter of time until one of my wifes clients noticed the different last name. My wife prosecuted and the friend got hit with a felony and did 7 days in county.
My wife also had a best friend for years and was not so well off as us. My wife always paid her friends way, bought her clothes if they went shopping, etc. Finally, after years and years of this, the friend kept taking and taking. My wife finally stopped it and the friend gave her a rash of sh!t about it. That was the end of their frinedship as my wife was done being used. Its sad what some will do to others. It makes it hard to be nice to anyone. Your wife did the right thing but if she returns that's all on her! She's the one who's asking for it.


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